
资格题库2022-08-02  10

问题 一、考题回顾



解析 二、考题解析【教案】Teaching aims:Knowledge aims:Students can understand the content of the passage.Students can master the structure of exposition writing displayed in this passage.Ability aim:Students will be able to write exposition articles to introduce something.Emotional aim:Students will foster the ability of critical thinking in English writing.Key and difficult points:Key point:Get the main idea of the passage and understand structure of exposition.Difficult point:Students can be able to write their own exposition articles after learning.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming-up1. Greetings.2. Play a radio of a terrible tornado in Yancheng, Jiangsu, 2016. After that, Ask two students to describe this video to conclude the features of tornado, and finally to lead in the topic.Step 2: Pre-writing1. Ask students to read this passage to conclude the main idea, and lead in the topic of today’s writing.2. Guide students to conclude the features of exposition and key points can be covered in writing.3. Pick out useful expressions in the passage and give additional sentence patterns that can be used in writing.Step 3: While-writingGive 10 minutes for students to write down their own articles and walk around to offer them help if necessary.Step 4: Post-writingStudents can have a peer-editing with their desk mates. 3 minutes later, teacher will invite some students to share their articles and give proper evaluation.Step 5: Summary and HomeworkSummary: invite a student to summarize today’s lesson and teacher gives the final conclusion of this lesson.Homework: ask students to write an article about their favorite city and share with classmates next week.Blackboard design:Teaching reflection
