《Describe ways》主要教学过程及板书设计 (一)教学过程 Step 1 Warming up and leading-in Show some

最全题库2022-08-02  36




解析 《Describe ways》主要教学过程及板书设计(一)教学过程Step 1 Warming up and leading-inShow some pictures of well-known places in our city, and ask student, “Do you know something about these places?”Step 2 Presentation and practiceSet a scene that our foreign friend Tom is visiting our city and he is in the school gate, Can you help him?Show the map of our city and the dialog given. Ask where the hotel is. Students find the position. Teacher point the map and read the dialogue. Write down these words in the blackboard.Students read the dialog together. Then teacher shows the pictures of places quickly and students say the way.Pair work: students working in pair to practice the words and sentences. One says “a place”, another gives the way, and vice versa.Step 3 ProductionGame: I say you guess. Two groups compete with each other. Teacher shows the place to one student, this student says the way and the other follow the way to find the position of it and guess the name of the place.Step 4 Summary and HomeworkSummary: Ask students to think about what they have learned today. And then make a summary.Homework: Draw a map about the way from school to your home and write down the brief introduction. And introduce it to the desk-mate next day.(二)板书设计Blackboard Design:答辩题目解析:1.请谈谈你的导入环节。【教学设计】答:出色的导入环节会极大程度的吸引学生的注意力,让学生在导入环节对本节课所要学习的知识有一个大体的了解也会利于之后授课环节的顺利进行。本节课我利用图片导入法,本节课要教授关于问路的英文表达方式,在授课最初呈现出我市医院、学校、图书馆、宾馆等地理位置的照片,之后问一些于此有关的问题,像"Do you know something about these places? Is it on the left or right?"等问题,帮助学生整体感知方位,让学生通过一种直观的形式了解要学习的单词,这样更利于他们之后应用所学的单词到实际生活当中。在今后的授课当中我也会时刻注意设置恰当有效的导入环节,注重吸引学生的注意力,在吸引学生注意力的基础上自然的呈现新知识。2.在授课时你会用什么方法吸引学生的注意力?【教学实施类】答:学生由于活泼好动,注意力不容易集中,在注意力不集中的情况下进行教学不利于学生吸收所学的知识,所以教师在教学的过程当中要时刻注意运用不同的手段吸引学生的注意力,具体方法有如下几点:首先,在音量的控制上要注意,不要一直用一种声调进行授课,在讲授重点知识的时候声音要适当的放大,学生如果突然感到教师声音的变大就会感知到这一部分知识是重点,会适当的将注意力集中在教师讲授的知识上。其次,可以在学生疲倦的时候安排游戏环节,游戏最能吸引学生的注意力,学生由于年龄小,对游戏都比较痴迷,所以设置适当的游戏会极大程度的吸引学生的注意力,而且游戏会 让全员都参与到游戏当中,会比较好的检验学生的知识掌握程度。最后,如果教师在课堂上发现某名同学注意力不集中可以适当的让该名学生回答问题,学生起立回答完问题之后注意力也会有极大的提升。总之,教师在教学的过程当中要时刻注意观察学生的注意力和课堂参与度,调动学生们用最好的精力来学习知识是一名教师要时刻谨记的。
