A project is a [temporary] ( ) of unique

题库2022-08-02  58

问题 A project is a [temporary] ( ) of unique, complex, and connected activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time, within budget, and according to ( ).  Project management is the process of scoping, planning, staffing, organizing, directing, and controlling the development of a(n) ( ) system at a minimum cost within a specified time frame. For any systems development project, effective project management is necessary to ensure that the project meets the (请作答此空), is developed within an acceptable budget, and fulfills customer expectations and specifications, Project management is a process that starts at the beginning of a project, extends through a project, and doesn't culminate until the project is completed. The prerequisite for good project management is a well-defined system development process. Process management is an ongoing activity that documents, manages the use of, and improves an organization s chosen   methodology  (the “process”) for system development, Process management is concerned with the activities, deliverables, and quality standards to be applied to ( ) project(s).A.deadlineB.specificationC.expectationD.requirement


答案 A

解析 表示截止日期的意思。附(参考翻译):一个项目是一个独特的、复杂的、相互关联的活动的[临时]序列,有一个目标或目的,必须在特定的时间、预算内和根据规范完成。项目管理是一个范围界定、计划、人员配置、组织、指导和控制可接受系统开发的过程,在规定的时间内以最低的成本进行。对于任何系统开发项目,有效的项目管理都是必要的,以确保项目在截止日期前完成,在可接受的预算内开发,并满足客户的期望和规范,项目管理是从项目开始时开始的过程,延伸到一个项目中,直到项目完成才达到顶点。良好的项目管理的先决条件是定义良好的系统开发过程。过程管理是一项持续的活动,它记录、管理和改进组织为系统开发所选择的方法(“过程”),过程管理涉及应用于所有项目的活动、可交付成果和质量标准。
