The development of the Semantic Web proc

admin2022-08-02  50

问题 The development of the Semantic Web proceeds in steps , each step building a layer on top of another .The pragmatic justification for this approach is that it is easier to achieve (  ) on small steps , whereas it is much harder to get everyone on board if too much is attempted . Usually there are several research groups moving in different directions ; this ( ) of ideas is a major driving force for scientific progress . However , from an engineering perspective there is a need to standardize .So , if most researchers agree on certain sues and disagree on others , it makes sense to fix the points of agreement .This way , even if he more ambitious research efforts should fail , there will be at least ( ) positive outcomes .Once a (请作答此空) has been established , many more groups and companies will adopt it ,instead of waiting to see which of the alternative research lines will be successful in the end he nature of the semantic web is such that companies and single users must build tools , add content , and use that content .We cannot wait until the full semantic web vision materializes-it may take another ten years for it to be realized to its full (  ) ( as envisioned today , of course ).A.technologyB.standardC.patternD.model


答案 A

解析 题意想要表达的意思是“一旦一个技术被建立,许多组织和企业都会采纳,而不是等待并查看其他研究线是否会获得成果。”Technology:科技,技术; standard:标准; pattern:模式,典范;model:模型,模式;故正确答案为A附(参考翻译):语义网络的发展是一步一步的,每一步都建立在另一部的基础之上。选择这种方法的现实理由就是因为很容易对一小步取得成功,而如果想要一步到位就难得多。通常,很多研究组织都是从不同方向考虑的,这种思想的竞争的方式是科学进步的驱动力。然而,从工程的角度来说是需要进行标准化的。因此,如果大多数研究者同意某个观点不同意另一个的时候,改正观点是有意义的。这样,即使再宏大的研究努力也会失败,可能会有局部的积极效果。一旦一个技术被建立,许多组织和企业都会采纳,而不是等待并查看其他研究线是否会获得成果。语义网络的性质就是让企业和单个用户必须构建工具,添加内容并使用。我们不会等着整个语义网络被物化——因为实现它的全部内容需要再过十年时间(当然是按照今天所设想)
