The development of the Semantic Web proc

考试题库2022-08-02  53

问题 The development of the Semantic Web proceeds in steps, each step building a layer on     top of another. The pragmatic justification for this approach is that it is easier to     achieve  (  ) on small steps, whereas it is much harder to get everyone on board if     too much is attempted. Usually there are several research groups moving in different     directions; this  ( )  of ideas is a major driving force for scientific progress.  However ,  from an engineering perspective there is a need to standardize. So, if most   researchers agree on certain issues and disagree on others, it makes sense to fix the     point of agreement. This way, even if the more ambitious research efforts should fai1 ,      there wil1 be at least (   ) positive outcomes.Once a  (  请在此空作答   ) has been established  ,  many more groups and companies will adopt it  ,  instead of waiting to see which of the alternative research lines will be successful      in the end. The nature of the Semantic Web is such that companies and single users must     build tools ,   add content  ,   and use that content. We cannot wait until the full SemanticWeb vision materializes-it may take another ten years for it to be realized to its full (     ) (as envisioned today, of course).A.TechnologyB.StandardC.PatternD.model


答案 A

解析 语义网是对未来网络的一个设想,现在与  Web 3.0  这一概念结合在一起,作为  3.0  网络时代的特征之一。简单地说,语义网是一种智能网络,它不但能够理解词语和概念,而且还能够理解它们之间的逻辑关系,可以使交流变得更有效率和价值。  语义网,它的核心是:通过给万维网上的文档   (如: HTML 文档、  XML  文档)添加能够被计算机所理解的语义“元数据”(外语:  Meta data  ),从而使整个互联网成为一个通用的信息交换媒介。目前语义网在不断的发展壮大,原因在于它每次实现一个小    的成果,然后在此基础上在完成其他的部分,而不是一次迈出一大步实现所有功能。由于存在激烈竞争,语义网的开发者们分别按照不同的开发方向进行研究,但是就软件工程的观点来说,应该引入相应的行业标准来规范开发过程和方法。如果大家都采用统一的标准开发,不仅能避免较大程度的失败还能促进一些成果的产生。虽然等到语义网真正建立起来还需要很多年,但是我们已经迫不及待的想看到那一天的到来了。
