The traditional model for systems develo

最全题库2022-08-02  45

问题 The traditional model for systems development was that an IT department used(  )which is a process-centered technique,and consulted users only when their input or approval was needed.Compared with traditional methods,many companies find that JAD allows key users to participate effectively in the(  ).When properly used,JAD can result in a more accurate statement of system requirements,a better understanding of common goals,and a stronger commitment to the success of the new system.RAD is a team-based technique that speeds up information systems development and produces a functioning information system.While the end product of JAD is a(an)(  ),the end product of RAD is the(  ).The RAD model consists of four phases.During the(  ),users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes,outputs,and inputs.问题1选项A.structured analysisB.object-oriented analysisC.prototype analysisD.process analysis问题2选项A.initial scope definitionB.requirements modeling processC.object modeling processD.architecture design process问题3选项 flow diagramB.entity relationship modelC.requirements modelD.object model问题4选项A.system proposalB.system design system information system问题5选项A.requirements planning phaseB.user design phaseD.cutover phase



解析 系统开发的传统模式是IT部门使用一种以过程为中心的结构化分析技术,只有当需要用户输入或认可的时候才与用户讨论。与传统方法相比,许多公司发现JAD能让主要用户有效地参与到需求建模过程中。如果使用得当,JAD能够产生更为准确的系统需求陈述,更好地理解共同目标和对于新系统取得成功更强有力的承诺。RAD是一种团队开发技术能够加快信息系统的开发并生产出正常运作的信息系统。JAD的最终产品是一个需求模型,而RAD的最终产品是新的信息系统。RAD模型包括四个阶段。在用户设计阶段,用户与系统分析员交互,开发模型和原型以表示系统所有的加工、输出和输入。
