设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计20分钟的英语听力教学方案。 教案
设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计20分钟的英语听力教学方案。 教案
设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计20分钟的英语听力教学方案。教案没有固定格式.但须包含下列要点:·teaching objectives·teaching contents·key and difficult points·major steps and time allocation·activities and justifications教学时间:20分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中一年级学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》五级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。语言素材:M: Hey Betsy, did you hear the great newsW: No, Frank, I haven′t. What is going onM: I just got a promotion, and I am going to throw huge party for all of my friends. I would loveit if you would come.W: Wow, thanks so much, when is the partyM: I am thinking of having it on Saturday. I am hoping there will be 150 people there. Thisreally is a big promotion for me and my family.W: Wow,150 people. That is a lot. This must be a big promotion. I would love to go. I think itwould be a great time.M: Oh great, the more the merrier. This really is a big deal for me. We can now afford the newhouse my wife has always wanted. I just hope I don′t have to put too many hours in. I would hate tolose too much time with my family.W: I can understand that, but let′ s keep focusing on the bright side. I can′ t wait for that party.
Teaching Contents: Listening to a dialogue about Frank ' s inviting Betsy to his party. Teaching Objectives:(1) Knowledge objectives①Students will learn some new words or expressions, like promotion, throw a party, the more the merrier.②Students will know how to invite people for parties, as well as how to react to people' s invitation.(2) Ability objectiveStudents' listening ability for general ideas and detailed information can be improved.(3) Emotional objectives①Students will learn to share their happiness with their friends.② Students will be willing to apply their English into daily use.Teaching Key and Difficult Points:(1) Teaching key pointStudents will know how to invite people for parties and how to react towards people' s invitation.(2) Teaching difficult point① Students ' listening ability for general ideas and detailed information can be trained.② Students will make offers for their own party to their friends.Major Steps:Step 1 Warming up (3 minutes)I will begin the class by sharing my experience of a fantastic birthday party last week. Then I will give them 1minute to think about one of their unforgettable parties. And they can share it with the whole class by telling the time,the theme, the activities of that party.(Justification: By talking about their own parties, they will recall back some related expressions under this topic.And this will prepare them for the following listening.)Step 2 Pre-listening (5 minutes)I will present some new expressions first, like promotion, throw a party, the more the merrier by making up ashort paragraph--People celebrate important occasions, like weddings, promotions or birthdays. Usually they like tothrow a party to get their families and friends together and have fun. For most parties, it is the more the merrier andthat' s why people will invite a lot of people to their parties.(Justification: It is easier to teach the new expressions with the help of context. For example, if I tell students that"throw a party" means "have or hold a party", they will not only understand the explanation, but also get to know howto use the expression by comparing the context provided.)Step 3 While-listening (6 minutes)First, I will play the tape once. And before they are ready, I will remind them that during listening they should notpay much attention to any specific words or expressions and all they need to do is to get the main idea of it. Afterlistening, I will invite some students to tell the class what happened, and why it happened.Next, I will ask them to listen to the dialogue for the second time with a filling task on the blackboard.
(Justification: Listening for the first time is to train students' listening ability for general ideas and the secondtime is to train their listening ability for detailed information.)Step 4 Post-listening (6 minutes)(1) Students need to work with their desk-mates to do the dialogue with the help of the chart on the blackboard.(2) Then they will be divided into groups of 4 to design a party for their parents' anniversary. They need to figureout the theme, the time, the activities and the invitation letters of this party. Two groups will be invited to share theirideas.(Justification: The first activity is for students to practice the targeted language point--how to invite people forparties and how to react to people's invitations. The second activity is to provide a chance for them to use thelanguage actively.)
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营造有利于激发学生创作精神的学习气氛不包括()。A.设置问题情景导入 B.提
依据教学目标制定的依据,下列不属于目标的三大特征的是()。A.艺术性 B.整
出生后出现的第一个条件反射是A.握持 B.觅食 C.吞咽 D.吸吮 E.
对统计推断的假设检验说法正确的是()A.是统计推断的核心 B.利用一个样本
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招标公告或投标邀请书的内容包括( )。 A.项目概况与招标范围 B.投标人