试讲题目:My Friend

最全题库2022-08-02  8

问题 试讲题目:My Friend



解析 【教案】Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim: Students will learn three new words and two sentence patterns.Ability aim: Students will be able to talk about their friends in English by using some curtain sentence patterns.Emotional aim: Students will improve their interest in English and realize they should cherish their friendship and love each other.Teaching Key Points:Students know how to describe how to describe his or her friends.Teaching Difficult Points:Students can apply the structure into daily communication.Teaching Methods:TPR teaching method, Communicative teaching method, situational teaching method.Teaching Aids:Pictures, Puppet, Blackboard and so on.Teaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming up?1.Greetings?2.Sing a song----”Ten Little Indians”, invite the whole students to do the action when singingStep 2: Pre-speaking?1.The teacher show the students a puppet while hiding behind the desk, to review the words tall, thin, green and brown and the sentence patterns This is ... and He is ...by asking some simple questions.?2.The teacher make a performance with the puppete.g. --What do you have now? --I have a green T-shirt and a pair of brown shorts.--What can you do? --I can skate.?3. Introduce Tom (the puppet) to the students.e.g.This is Tom. He is my friend. He is tall and thin.He has a green T-shirt and a pair of brown shorts. He can skate.Step 3: While-speakingActivity 1. Group workWork in groups, and make a conversation by asking and answering questions.Activity 2. Guessing game: Close your eyes and guess.One student show himself/herself and do some actions, another student close his or her eyes and ask questions, the others tell him or her “right or wrong”. Guess who he or she is.e.g. --What’s he like?--He is short and strong. He has a yellow jacket and a pair of brown shoes.--Is he Max?--No, he isn’t--What can he do?--He can swim.--Is he Ted?--Yes, he is.Step 4: Post-speaking?1.Share and Evaluation?2.Draw a picture: ask the students to draw a picture of his/her best friend and introduce him or her to the whole class and guess who he/she/it is.E.g. He is my friend. He is short and thin.He has a yellow T-shirt and a pair of black shoes. He can play basketball.Step 5: Summary & HomeworkSummary: Invite a student to be a small teacher, to make a summary about what we have learned today.Homework: Make a puppet as they like, bring him/her to the class, and introduce him/her to the other students next class.
