请根据上述材料完成下列人物: (1)简述课堂与课后作业的类型及基本操作方式

练习题库2022-08-02  54

问题 请根据上述材料完成下列人物:(1)简述课堂与课后作业的类型及基本操作方式。(10分)(2)如指导小学生学习本文,试拟定教学目标。(10分)(3)依据拟定的教学目标,设计“读后说或读后写”的语言操练环节,并说明理由。(20分)



解析 (1)小学英语教学中有效的作业布置,不仅可以巩固学生一堂课所要求掌握的知识, 而且可以激发学习兴趣,开发培养独立分析问题和解决问题的能力。作业可分为课堂作业和课后作业。
课堂作业,做到书面与口语作业相结合,明确朗读、背诵、听力训练和规范书写等作业 。 可布置听、说、读、看、写等不同类型的作业。 如:听录音跟读课文, 同桌之间互相问答练习句型。 观看视频描述事件等等。
课后作业是课堂教学的有效延申,以趣味性和应用性为基本出发点。 可以布置开放型作业、创意型作业、合作型作业,等等。 如: 创编对话,英语小短剧,英语小调查任务等等。也可适当的布置书写作业。
(2)Knowledge Objectives
①Students will be able to review and grasp the words:long, tall, beautiful, small and so on,  and the sentences pattern \\\"she has ... , she is ... ,she likes .... \\\"
②Ss are able to understand the material.  
Ability Objectives
①Ss are able to talk about “what are their teacher like” in their daily life using the words and sentence patterns they\\\'ve learnt.
②Students’ listening and speaking skills will be strengthened by practicing.
Moral Objectives
①Students’ interest of learning English will be stimulated.
②Students will love and know more about their teacher.
