
最全题库2022-08-02  30

问题 2017年2月1日,为支付货款,A公司向B公司签发一张以X银行为承兑人、金额为80万元、到期日为2017年8月1日的承兑汇票,A公司在票据正面写明“本公司不承担保证该汇票承兑的责任”。后X银行依法在汇票票面上签章。  3月1日,B公司因急需现金,将该汇票背书转让给C公司,C公司向B公司支付现金75万元。  4月1日,C公司将该汇票背书转让给D公司,以支付房屋租金,D公司对B公司与C公司之间的票据买卖事实不知。D公司将该票据背书转让给E公司,以支付装修工程款,并在汇票上注明:“本票据转让于工程验收合格后生效。”后E公司施工的装修工程存在严重的质量问题。  5月,E公司被F公司吸收合并,E公司办理了注销登记。6月1日,F公司为支付材料款将该汇票背书转让给G公司。8月3日,G公司向X银行提示付款,X银行以背书不连续为由拒绝支付。根据上述内容,分别回答下列问题。(1)A公司记载“不承担保证该汇票承兑的责任”是否会导致出票行为无效?并说明理由。(2)C公司能否因B公司的背书转让行为而取得票据权利?并说明理由。(3)D公司能否因C公司的背书转让行为而取得票据权利?并说明理由。(4)在装修工程未验收合格的情况下,D公司对E公司的背书转让行为是否生效?并说明理由。(5)若C公司将汇票背书给D公司时注明“不得转让”,会产生何种法律效力?(6)在X银行拒绝付款时,G公司应如何证明其是票据权利人?



解析 (1)
Cannot cause to show a ticket the behavior to be invalid。A Corporation records this item belongs to the record invalid item。According to the stipulation, after the drawer signs and issues the bank draft,Namely undertakes guaranteed this bank draft accepts with the payment responsibility。 Based on this stipulation, if the drawer in the bill indicated does not undertake the bank draft to accept or the payment responsibility, showed a ticket the behavior to be still effective, but this record was invalid。
D Corporation can obtain the bill right。Although C Corporation when endorses the transfer the bill obligee, the constitution has no right to punish by no means, but the D Corporation good intentions, also the not significant error, also paid has been equal to the price, therefore might the good intentions obtain the bill right。
D Corporation endorses the transfer behavior to E Corporation to be effective。According to the stipulation, endorses when with proviso, attaches the condition not to have in the bank draft potency, namely does not affect endorses behavior itself the potency。When the main subject, DCorporation endorses records “this bill transfer qualified to become effective after the acceptance of work” belongs attaches the condition to endorse, attaches the condition not to have in the bank draft potency, endorses effectively。
If C Corporation endorses the bank draft for D Corporation time indicates “does not have to transfer”。C Corporation (E Corporation) is not undertaken to subsequent party D Corporation later by the endorser the bill responsibility。
According to the stipulation, endorses the transfer the bank draft, endorses must continuously.The bearer endorses continual, proves its bill right; Must after endorses the transfer, but obtains the bank draft by other legitimate ways, should present evidence legally, proves its bank draft right。In the main subject, G Corporation must prove that,E Corporation and F Corporation had the absorption merge, E Corporation were cancelled the registration, E Corporation's all rights, the duty withstand by F Corporation, although then the bill was not continual, but the correlation evidence had proven between E Corporation and F Corporation the right shift fact, G Corporation might advocate the bill right。
