Many physical-fitness enthusiasts consider the English Channel to be the sup

游客2025-03-18  1

问题     Many physical-fitness enthusiasts consider the English Channel to be the supreme test of a swimmer’s endurance. During the past 100 years, the body of water separating England from France has been the scene of more than 1 000 attempted crossings. The high waves and freezing temperature of the water make it especially difficult. Matthew Webb was the first person to succeed. An experienced swimmer, the Englishman prepared for the history-making event by undertaking several long-distance swims, including a record-breaking swim of twenty-one miles in less than five hours. In 1879, Webb swam the Channel from Dover to Calais in twenty-one hours and forty-five minutes. Many swimmers have successfully accomplished the feat since then. To prevent cheating, a group called the Channel Swimming Association was created to supervise all attempted crossings. The association also provides an observer in a rowboat to ensure each swimmer’s safety.


答案     很多健康爱好者将英吉利海峡视作考验游泳者耐力的最高级的测试。在过去的100年间,这片将英国和法国隔开的水域已成为上千人尝试渡海的场所。高高的海浪、冰冷的水温使得横渡英吉利海峡异常艰难。马体兹?韦布是世界上首位成功横渡该海峡的人。这位富有经验的英国游泳好手参加了几次长距离游泳,其中一次,他用了不足5个小时便游完21英里并破了记录。1879年,马体兹?韦布花了21小时零45分钟的时间,从丹佛到加来,横渡了英吉利海峡,此后,许多游泳者都成功地完成了这一壮举。为防止作弊,一个名为海峡游泳协会的监督渡海者的组织应运而生。该协会为确保渡海者的安全,还为每位渡海者安排一位观察员,观察员乘坐在小船上监督并陪伴渡海者。
