Society is generally amenable to subsidizing science’s expensive
Society is generally amenable to subsidizing science’s expensive
Society is generally amenable to subsidizing science’s expensive
machinery, which at some point will provide civilization with another advance
on the scale of relativity theory, but such heedless optimism can mislead one
Line into the notion that the aim of science is to find the "meaning" of the world.
(5) That there must be a meaning seems certain, for otherwise there could be no
such a thing as progress, but we must also acknowledge that as science keeps
uncovering more and more secrets, it progresses in the way that computations
in the infinitesimal calculus keep approaching nearer and nearer to infinity
without ever getting there, and we must not assume that progress should seek a
(10) final end to the quest for knowledge.
The amateur scientist Goethe, though vehemently and mistakenly opposed
to Newton’s mechanistic model of reality, demonstrated the dangers of his
co/league’s positivist approach, for though his science was bad science, his
scientific writings are not bad philosophy. Goethe demanded that science should
(15) always hold to the human scale, opposing the use of the microscope on the
grounds that what cannot be seen with the naked eye should not be seen, that
what is hidden from us is hidden for a purpose. In this, Goethe was a scandal
among scientists, whose first, firm, and necessary principle is that if something
can be done, it should he, and his furious denial of Newton was more than
(20) merely the bloodshot jealousy of one great mind drawing a bead on another.
Goethe’s theory of light is wrong insofar as the science of optics is concerned,
yet in the expression of his theory Goethe achieves a pitch of poetic intensity
that is as persuasive, in its way, as anything Newton did: there is, Goethe
suggested, a world beyond the current state of science.
(25) At the end of the 19th century, before Einstein, professors were steering
students away from physics because they believed little was left undiscovered
about the nature of physical reality. As we approach the end of the 20th
century, we are still guilty of hubris: probably a Unified Field Theory will be
achieved, and will seem for a time, perhaps even as long as the period between
(30) Newton’s Principia and Einstein’s first paper on the theory of relativity, to
explain everything; but then a Heisenberg or a Gdel will come forward and
unravel the entire structure. Einstein correctly remarked more than once how
strange and suspicious it is that reality, as we know it, keeps proving itself
amenable to the rules of man-made science. Our thought extends only as far as
(35) our capacity to express it, and thus what we consider reality is only that stratum
of the world that we have the faculties to comprehend. There is a truth that
scientists not blinded by hubris, or a cramped imagination, have always
acknowledged: that there is no end to the venture. [br] The author suggests that the appearance of a Unified Field Theory is which of the following?
A、The theory is likely to be developed eventually, but then subsequently supplanted but more attractive models.
B、The theory, given its advanced nature, is likely to be even more significant to scientists than Newton’s Principia was in its time.
C、The appearace of the theory will most likely underscore the hubris of scientists in attempting to describe nature.
D、The theory is certain to appear, and will serve undermine the pedagogical errors made by nineteenth-century professors.
E、The appearance of the theory is likely to unravel the existing structure of physics, discrediting the field’s most fundamental assumptions.
社会功能包含两个不同的既念A.社会融合和社会接触 B.社会交柱和社会资源 C
施工项目信息按信息的稳定程度分类分为固定信息和()。A.执行信息 B.静态信
下列各项中除哪项外,均是十灰散的药物组成A.茅根茜根丹皮 B.山栀大蓟小蓟
1.题目:《手绘线条图像—物象的多视角表达》 2.内容: 要点提示或建议
口疮的主要临床特征是A.口舌满布白屑 B.口舌、齿龈等处发生溃疡 C.咽喉部
《中小学教师职业道德规范》中提出“爱国守法”是教师职业的( )A.基本要求
心理治疗的伦理要求是( )。A.对症下药,剂量安全 B.减轻痛苦,加速康复