Which day of the week is Wendy’s wedding on? [br] [originaltext]Ken: Hello, St
Which day of the week is Wendy’s wedding on? [br] [originaltext]Ken: Hello, St
Which day of the week is Wendy’s wedding on? [br]
Ken: Hello, Steve. Are you going to Wendy’s wedding next month?
Steve: Yes, Ken, I am. It’s sure to be a good one!
Ken: Which day is it again? I can’t remember.
Steve: 16th, isn’t it?
Ken: It can’t be the 16th. My wedding anniversary’s the 16th.
Steve: Then it must be the 15th.
Ken: Ah, that’s right. A
Saturday. It’s at St. John’s Church, isn’t it?
The reception’s at Simon’s. Q2
Ken: What?
Simon Winters from accounting
? Q3
Steve: No! The restaurant—Simon’s. You know, on
Museum Road
. Q4
Ken: Oh, sorry. Got a bit confused there! I’ve never been to Simon’s.
Steve: Nor me. It’s a new place. It’s supposed to be very good and Wendy’s future husband, Matthew, knows the owner, so I reckon the food will be really nice.
Ken: Great. What kind of restaurant is it?
Steve: It doesn’t really focus on food from any particular place, but I
suppose you’d say ... well,
they do some French dishes, Italian Q5
and some typical British dishes too.
Ken: Sounds like they have something for everyone.
Steve: Well, I guess that’s the idea. More variety, more customers. I mean, there aren’t many restaurants around here anyway.
Ken: True. So, this Matthew she’s marrying. Do you know him well? I met him at the Christmas party briefly. He seemed like a great bloke.
Steve: He’s very nice.
He teaches golf.
He’s really helped me with Q6
my game.
Ken: So, he must work at that new course on the outskirts of town
then. I heard it’s very nice there.
Steve: Yeah, it’s great. You don’t play, do you?
Ken: No. Never. How old is he? He didn’t look very old..
Steve: He’s actually a couple of years younger than Wendy.
She’s 28, Q7
right? Yeah, he must be 26.
Ken: So what kind of present do you think they’d appreciate? I know it’s usual to get a small household item. Any ideas?
Steve: Actually, they’ve produced one of those books where the items are pictured and you sign your name beside the picture to show which girl you’re going to get.
Ken: Those things are a great idea! My sister had one when she got married. The great thing is that you get exactly the brand that you want.
Steve: Yeah, and you don’t risk getting two of the same thing.
Ken: Absolutely. You don’t need to irons or two sets of cutlery. How about the stag night?
Steve: I’ve got Matthew’s phone number, so I’ll give him a call and find out. Or I’ll ask him when I next go to the club.
Ken: I know the guy who runs the
Black Diamond
. They have a Q8
function room we could use. I might be able to get it for free,
but more likely I’ll just get a discount.
Steve: I’ll let Matthew know. There are not many decent venues for a stag night here, are there?
Ken: No, there aren’t. Well, have a word with him and let me know
the date and
the number of people
he expects and I’ll have a Q9
chat with my friend.
Steve: OK. By the way, are you doing anything special for your anniversary?
Ken: Well, I was thinking of taking my wife to Tipford. There’s a very nice restaurant there—a Chinese one. My wife loves Chinese food, but there’s no restaurant here. I thought she’d like it.
Steve: That’s a great idea. When you go, don’t forget to stop at the
The interior is beautifully decorated.
Ken: Thanks. My wife likes old buildings and architecture. She’ll like that.
teaches golf
下列关于混凝土工程量计算规定的说法不正确的是( )。A.设计工程量中应计入混凝
下列关于设备的磨损与补偿的说法中,正确的有( )。A.当设备发生第II种无形磨
隧道通风控制系统是根据一氧化碳与( )检测到的环境及交通量数据等控制风机的运转。
前列腺术后,禁止肛管排气的时间是A.15天内 B.10天内 C.7天内 D
为降解伤口内蛇毒,可用于伤口外周封闭的是A、胰蛋白酶 B、淀粉酶 C、脂肪酶
内部导向战略范畴的有()。A.Y公司调整了新的广告策略 B.A公司成功地获得
促进培训成果转化的策略包括()。A.明确关键人员在培训成果转化中的作用 B.