Complete the chart below. Match the advantages of joining a learning cir
Complete the chart below. Match the advantages of joining a learning cir
Complete the chart below.
Match the advantages of joining a learning circle (I-VI) to the person.
NOTE: there are more advantages listed than you will need.
Reasons for joining learning circle given by:
Economics tutor (21)
Hamish (22)
Anita (24)
Advantages of a learning circle
I commits to other students with a shared purpose
II can provide motivation to study
III commits time to study
IV can provide help with understanding subject material
V can provide support for other students
VI saves the cost of an expensive tutor [br]
Anita What’s the reason for the learning circle you’ve set up, Hamish?
Hamish Well, it wasn’t my idea-the Economics tutor suggested it actually-he said that
it’s a good way to make sure you put in the time needed for a particular subject.
But for me, well, I thought that studying in a group like that would give me some
incentive to study-I really need a reason to learn, you know, motivation, especially
in Economics!
Anita Hmm, I guess study groups can give you discipline and motivation. They’re both
useful but my biggest problem is that I’m finding Economics quite difficult. I think
I need extra help just to understand the material. A learning circle could help-I was
thinking of even getting a private tutor.
Hamish Private tutors can be expensive-you’re welcome to join us and it won’t cost you
anything. Every week we’re going to begin the session with problems and questions
from material that we’ve been given in the lecture. We want the learning circle to be
practical and worthwhile, so that we all help each other to do well.
Anita Do you think the others in the group would mind if I joined as well?
Hamish Of course not-there are only five of us and you know us all.
Anita I’ve been researching some past exam papers, so I’d be happy to contribute those to
the circle if I join.
Hamish One of the others suggested doing that too. He thought that we should try and
identify any trends or common questions that were included in the past papers and
that way we could prepare a little better for the final exam.
Anita Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. In fact, I’ve already started looking at last year’s
Hamish Great-we’re also going to hold mock tutorials, so we can practise our presentations
on a smaller group before we have to do the real thing.
Anita I am so worried about that. I’m dreading that first presentation-I’ve never done
any kind of public speaking before.
Hamish Well, you’re not alone-I think we’re all pretty nervous about it but we’re hoping
that the mocks will give us all a bit of confidence for the real tutorial. We don’t want
the group to be competitive-just collaborative-you know, working together and
helping each other.
Anita It sounds like you’ve really thought the learning circle idea through-you seem
Hamish It’s just that when we all met last week to discuss the idea, we all had a list of
objectives - you know, what we wanted to get out of a learning circle. That made
the planning quite easy. Look, why don’t you come next week to our first circle and
you can see if it’s what you’re looking for. If not, well, you won’t have lost anything
and you can always organize a tutor for yourself afterwards.
Anita Yeah, I think I will. When and where are you going to meet?
Hamish Our inaugural meeting of the circle is on Thursday evening-from 6 to 8 in Ryan
Anita OK-I’ll be there.
Hamish We plan to talk about any material that we’ve had trouble with from the lecture first
and then. We thought we’d talk about our individual learning styles. Even though
we all know each other as friends, we thought that because it’ll be our first time
together as a study group, it might be useful.
Anita I’m not exactly sure what my learning style is!
Hamish Give it some thought during the week and try to notice how you study some
people summarise everything or re-write lecture notes every week-others like
to highlight the important points or group similar bits of information together.
People like me-well, I have to read material at least three times before I can really
comprehend it.
Anita Really? I’m a writer I guess-I have to write everything down or I forget it straight
away! I use the computer a lot.
Hamish See-you do know how you learn-you just had to think about it.
Anita I’ll bring the exam papers and the research that I’ve started.
Hamish We probably won’t have time to look through them at our first meeting.
Anita I’ll bring them anyway -just in case. I think this learning circle idea is going to be a
great success!
A、practise by themselves first.
B、help each other by giving practical advice.
C、gain self-confidence.
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期货交易所应当( )向监控中心核对客户资料。A.随时 B.不定期 C.随机
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