【21】 [br] 【26】 [originaltext]TUTOR: Hello. Jonathan Briggs, isn’t it?JB: Yes, t
【21】 [br] 【26】 [originaltext]TUTOR: Hello. Jonathan Briggs, isn’t it?JB: Yes, t
【21】 [br] 【26】
TUTOR: Hello. Jonathan Briggs, isn’t it?
JB: Yes, that’s right.
TUTOR: Do come in and sit down.
JB: Thanks.
TUTOR: Right. Well, Jonathan, as we explained in your letter, in this part of the interview we like to talk through your application form.., your experience to date, etc .... and then in the second part you go for a group interview.
JB: Group interview.., yes, I understand...
TUTOR: So... your first degree was in Economics?
JB: Yes, but I also did Politics as a major strand. 【Q21】
TUTOR: And you graduated in 1989. And I see you have been doing some teaching...
JB: Yes. I worked as a volunteer teacher in West Africa. I was there for almost three 【Q22】
years in total from 1990 to.. umm... 1992. 【Q23】
TUTOR: How interesting. What organisation was that with?
JB: It’s not one of the major ones. It’s called Teach South. 【Q24】
TUTOR: Oh, right. Yes, I have heard of it. It operates in several African countries, doesn’t it? And what kind of school was it?
JB: A rural co-operative. 【Q25】
TUTOR: Oh, a rural co-operative, how interesting.., and what did you teach?
JB: A variety of things in different years.., ummm... I did.., with Forms 1 to 3 【Q26】
mainly Geography and some English with Form 5. Then in my final year I took 【Q27】
on some Agricultural Science with the top year.., that’s Form 6.
TUTOR: Right. Quite a variety then...
JB: I also ran the school farm.
TUTOR: Howinteresting...
TUTOR: ... And how did you find the whole experience?
JB: I’ll be honest with you. At the end of the first year I really wanted to leave and come home. TUXOR: Why was that?
JB: Well... I was very homesick at first and missed my family... 【Q28】
TUXOR: Umm... I can quite understand that.
JB: ... and I also found it frustrating to have so few teaching resources, but I did decide to stay and in the end I extended my tour to a third year.
TUTOR: Right. Things must have looked up then?
JB: Yes. We set up a very successful project breeding cattle to sell locally.
TUTOR: Really?
JB: And then after a lot of hard work we finally got funds for new farm buildings.
TUTOR: And you wanted to see things through?
JB: Uh-huh.
TUTOR: And is that why you want to train to teach Geography?
JB: Yes. I’ve had a couple of jobs since then but I now realise I like teaching best.
And I chose Geography because.., because it is my favourite subject.., and 【Q29】
also because I think it has so many useful applications. 【Q30】
TUTOR: Well... you certainly have had some interesting work experience. I’ll ask you now to go on to the next stage of...
根据增值税规定,下列行为应视同销售征收增值税的有( )。A.将自产的办公桌用于财
下述哪项不符合我国制定的重症肺炎的标准A.少尿 B.意识障碍 C.BP
给营养不良患儿肌内注射苯丙酸诺龙的目的是A.增加机体的抵抗力 B.促进脂肪合成
左边给定的是纸盒的外表面,下列哪一项能由它折叠而成? A.如上图所示 B.如
案例七: 一般资料:求助者,男性,24岁,无业。 案例介绍:求助者兴趣广泛。
关于病毒癌基因的叙述错误的是A.在体外能引起细胞转化 B.又称为原癌基因 C