What does her briefcase look like?[img]2014m7x/ct_eilm_eillist_0001_20136[/img]
What does her briefcase look like?[img]2014m7x/ct_eilm_eillist_0001_20136[/img]
What does her briefcase look like?
R = Receptionist
W = Woman
P = Police Officer
R: Good evening, City Police Station. Can I help you?
W: Oh hello, I’d like to report a stolen briefcase, please.
R: Just a minute and I’ll put you through.
P: Lost property. Can I help you?
W: Oh, yes. I’ve had my briefcase stolen.
P: OK…I’ll take some details…Tell me what it looks like, first of all.
W: Well…it’s a soft leather one, you know, not a heavy box-type like a man’s.
P: Mmm…and how does it close?
W: It’s got buckles at the front… two of them. They’re gold-plated ones.
P: Fine…Was it locked?
W: No, I’m afraid not.
P: Nevermind. Any distinguishing features?
W: Pardon?
P: Any marks or badges on it that make it stand out?
W: Only the brand name.
P: And where’s that?
W: It’s on the back… at the bottom in the left-hand corner. It’s Sagi. Oh and there’s a scratch…it’s quite bad but small… directly above the brand name. I did it recently putting it on my bike.
P: Right, got that. So, what did you have inside the briefcase?
W: Well—all my papers from college. It’s so frustrating, but, thank goodness for computers, I haven’t lost them completely!
P: Yes, you’re lucky.
W: I had my wallet in my pocket so I didn’t lose that but there were also my pens which I got for my birthday and a novel I was planning to read on the train.
P: Right. Where exactly did you lose the briefcase?
W: Well… I couldn’t believe it. I was standing on the platform…it was right next to me.
P: You were holding it?
W: I’d just put it down on the floor but I could almost feel it beside me. I was watching for my train because sometimes it comes early and then next time I looked, my briefcase wasn’t there.
P: And what time was this?
W: Ah…it was… it must have been about 5.20…no a bit later. I’d say 5.30 because it was just getting crowded and the train normally comes at a about twenty-five to six.
P: Right, if you’ll just give me some personal details…
W: Yes.
P: What name is it?
W: I’m Mary Prescott.
P: Can you spell that?
W: Yes, it’s P-R-E-S-C-O-T-T.
P: And your address?
W: Flat 2, 41, Fountain Road, Canterbury.
P: Fountain Road.
W: Yes, number 41.
P: And have you got a contact telephone number?
W: Yes, it’s 7 - 5 - double 2 - 3 - 9.
P: 7 - 5 - double 2-3-9. Fine. One last question—what would you say the value of your briefcase is?
W: Including the contents?
P: Yes. Just a rough estimate is fine.
W: I’m not sure. Well, the briefcase itself is quite new; I bought it last month for £40. I suppose about £65. The contents are worth about 20 or 25 pounds at least.
P: That’s fine. Well, if you could come down to the station tomorrow, you can sign this form and have a look at what we’ve got here.
W: OK, thanks, ’Bye.
P: Goodbye.
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