The respondent works on______ [br] [originaltext]A Excuse me, I’m sorry to both
The respondent works on______ [br] [originaltext]A Excuse me, I’m sorry to both
The respondent works on______ [br]
A Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother yo.u, but would you have time to answer a few questions?
B What’s it about?
A We’re doing some market research for a new television channel starting in two years’ time.
B OK, why not?
A Lovely, we’ll just work through this form. And if we could start with some personal background information...
B Sure.
A Right, if I could just have your age...
B 35.
A Right, great...
A Right, great. And your job?
B Systems analyst, but for the form I don’t know whether it would count as professional or business or what.
A What do you think?
B OK, it’s more like business.
A Fine. And would you mind my asking about your salary? Or we can leave it blank.
B No, I don’t mind. It’s £40,000 a year.
A Thank you. Right... about your current watching habits... what would you say is your main reason for watching TV?
B Well, at work I tend to read for information and what have you, so I’d say that with TV it probably just helps me relax and unwind.
A Fine. And how many hours a day on average do you watch TV?
B Not a lot really... I should say just over an hour.
A So what are the two main times of the day that you watch TV?
B Well, a little around breakfast time and then it tends to be really late—eleven or even midnight—when I’ve finished work.
A And what sort of programmes do you go for?
B Some news bulletins but I also really like to put my feet up with some of the old comedy shows.
A Fine. And turning to the new channel... which type of programmes would you like to see more of?
B Well, I certainly don’t think we need any more factual programmes like news and documentaries. I think we need more about things like local information…you know, providing a service for the community. And in the same vein, perhaps more for younger viewers…you know, good quality stuff.
A Ah ha. And if you had to give the new directors some specific advice when they set up the channel, what advice would you give them?
B I think I’d advise them to pay a lot of attention to the quality of the actual broadcast, you know, the sound system. People are very fussy these days about that and in general I think they ought to do lots more of these kinds of interview, you know, talking with their potential customers.
A Oh, I’m glad you think it’s valuable!
B Certainly. . .yeah.
A Good. OK, this will be a commercial channel of course , but how often do you think it is tolerable to have adverts?
B Well, out of that list I’d say every quarter of an hour. I don’t think we can complain about that, as long as they don’t last for ten minutes each time!
A Quite. And ... would you be willing to attend any of our special promotions for the new channel?
B Yes, I’d be very happy to, as long as they’re held here in my area.
A OK, I’ll make a note of that. And finally, may we put you on our mailing list?
B Well, I’d prefer not... except for the information about the promotion you mentioned.
A Can I have your name and address?
B Of course.. .here’s my card.
A Oh, lovely... and thank you very much for your time and we look forward to seeing you.
B Yes, indeed. Um, thanks.
A、spend more money on drama.
B、train their broadcasters to higher standards.
C、improve sound quality.
D、broadcast interviews with famous people.
E、talk more to customers.
智齿冠周炎引起"牙关紧闭"的原因是A.炎症侵及咀嚼肌 B.疼痛 C.TMD
担保、备用信用证等能够将信用风险转移给第三方,这种转移属于( )。A.保险转移
A.因为通过它们的电流相等,所以一样亮 B. C. D.
下列文化常识中说法错误的是( )A.第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的中国籍作家是莫言
学校不能对高中生进行()处分。 A.警告B.记过 C.开除学籍D.送去