Choose the correct letter, A, B orC. [br] The proposal will consist mostly of [o
Choose the correct letter, A, B orC. [br] The proposal will consist mostly of [o
Choose the correct letter, A, B orC. [br] The proposal will consist mostly of
TUTOR: So you were both given your project assignments for your senior thesis today, right?
JANE: Yes, and we already have to submit our topics next week!
MARK: But how could they give us a grade this soon?
TUTOR: No, next week’s due date will not be counted towards your final grade. The teachers are just going to read your topic and give you feedback.
JANE: Oh, I see. So first we should come up with our topics, and then what?
TUTOR: Well, once you know what you want to study, you need to think about how you’ll study it. You need to decide on your research methods. The methods will be the main part of your paper.
MARK: What about the results section?
TUTOR: Well, I can give you feedback on that, but you will be the one carrying out an experiment and thus will have to produce the results on your own. What I would like to do today is practice writing research papers before you even begin your report. I’ll give you samples of old data from past experience, and you can practice writing results and drawing conclusions.
JANE: I think that would be really helpful.
MARK: Yeah, it sounds like a lot of extra work, but I’m sure it will make our actual project easier.
TUTOR: You are exactly right. So let’s get started. First, let’s try this simple experiment on fruit flies. Read the information, and then take 25 minutes to summarise a results and conclusion section. That’s really important - pay attention to the time limit.
JANE: OK, does it still have to be 6,000 words?
TUTOR: No, don’t worry about that.
MARK: What if we get off topic?
TUTOR: I wouldn’t worry too much - you will have so much information to write about that it should be easy to stay on topic.
JANE: But what about other sources?
TUTOR: Well for this assignment, you can use the one from your textbook. In your actual paper, you should find old experiments that support your topic.
MARK: So do we need to find different types of sources? For instance, should I be conducting lots of interviews to use in my paper?
TUTOR: No, there’s no need to conduct lots of interviews or anything like that.
MARK: OK, I’m ready to get started. I’m still a little confused though, on how we should format our paper.
TUTOR: Don’t worry about it for now, but on your final paper, make sure to pay attention to the format. It should follow the guidelines exactly.
JANE: Oh man, I’m starting to understand why they give us all semester to do this. Are there any other small details like that that we should know about?
TUTOR: Not a whole lot, make sure you provide two copies - one for your teacher of course, but one for yourself as well. And of course, you know the due date, right?
MARK: Uh, it’s April 11, right?
JANE: What? No! It’s May 11. Right?
TUTOR: Yes. The due date is May 11. Write it down!
MARK: Oh wow. Yeah, I need to note it. Also, I’m having trouble finding information on my topic. What if I can’t find enough good sources?
TUTOR: It’s alright to change your topic. Just make sure to do it before the beginning of April.
MARK: Oh really? Wow, I’m definitely going to change it then.
TUTOR: Just make sure to write a note to your teacher letting him or her know.
JANE: Okay. So getting back to writing this sample paper, where do we start? Should I just explain the experiment and what happened?
TUTOR: Well, you need to start with your hypothesis - what you think will happen - and then describe your procedure. Then you can write up the results and your conclusions.
JANE: Oh boy, I don’t know if I can handle any more instructions...
B本题题干中的“consist mostly of”在录音材料里进行了同义替换,变成“main part”,所以B选项methods是这篇研究论文的主要构成。
以下属于二人转主要表演形式的是()A.甲、乙二人表演,一逗一捧 B.甲、乙二人
与Ⅰ型糖尿病发病无关的病毒是A.流感病毒 B.柯萨奇病毒 C.巨细胞病毒
自身具有蛋白酪氨酸激酶活性的受体是( )。A.胰岛素受体 B.表皮生长因子受
严重肾功能不全患者使用时无需调整剂量的药物是()A.洛伐他汀 B.瑞舒伐他汀
(2019年真题)关于设计招标项目评标的说法,正确的有( )。A.通常采用综合评