What change has been made to each part of the health club?Choose FIVE answers f
What change has been made to each part of the health club?Choose FIVE answers f
What change has been made to each part of the health club?
Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, next to Questions 11-15.
Part of the health club [br] exercise room
Now listen carefully and answer Questions 11 to 15.
Thank you all for coming to see the new renovations to the Hartford Health Club. I know you’ll be as pleased as I am to see the wonderful results of our months of hard work to improve the club and bring you the best facilities ever. We’ll begin in here with the swimming pool. You’ll notice the new colour of the adult pool, a lovely, cold green. Now walk over here and look at the children’s pool. It’s the same green but, as you can see, with brightly coloured sea creatures painted everywhere. Both of the pools needed painting, not only for maintenance, but I think the new colour greatly improves the atmosphere of this part of the club. Next, let’s take a look at the locker rooms. Don’t worry, there’s no one using them just now. Doesn’t it feel roomy in here? We’ve expanded both the men’s and women’s locker rooms, so now they’ll be much more comfortable to use. There are bigger lockers, a good deal more room in the dressing area, and more places to store extra towels and equipment. Be careful as you walk through here. The floor has just been polished and may be a bit slippery.
Let’s go up to exercise room next. Here you’ll notice the new floor. Walk on it. Doesn’t that feel comfortable? It’s a special material, softer than the old floor, an ideal surface for jogging and exercising. They had to move all the exercise equipment out while they were working on the floor, but don’t worry, it will be brought back in before the end of today. Let’s step outside now and look at the tennis courts. We haven’t done a great deal here except to the equipment. We replaced all the nets and the ball-throwing machine. Otherwise, everything is the same as it was before. Let’s walk down this hallway, and here we are at the club store in its new location. We thought here by the entrance was a better place for it than where it used to be by the swimming pool. But it still has all the same items for sale: sports equipment and clothes in the club colours.
Now listen and answer Questions 16 to 20.
We’re excited about the upcoming activities and events to take place in our newly renovated club. Now that the pools are ready for use again, swimming lessons will begin tomorrow, for both adults and children. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can stop by the office before you leave today and put your name on the list. If you’re a tennis player, you’ll be interested to hear about the tennis competition coming up on Wednesday. Players from different clubs all over the region will be participating. If you’d like to watch the event, tickets are available in the office.
Also, I want to be sure you all know you’re invited to our club party, coming up next weekend. We’re celebrating the completion of the renovation work, and we have a lot to celebrate. The entire renovation project was finished in just nine months. That’s three months less than the twelve months we had originally planned on. We’re proud of that and proud that we came in under budget, too. Because we’ve had such good results with this project, we are already planning the next one. We already have two indoor pools, and next year we plan to install an outdoor pool right next to the tennis courts. Details of these plans will be made available to all club members soon.
All right, I think we’ve covered just about everything. Are there any questions?
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