Choose FOUR letters, A-G.Which FOUR of the following are required of student te
Choose FOUR letters, A-G.Which FOUR of the following are required of student te
Choose FOUR letters, A-G.
Which FOUR of the following are required of student teachers?
A weekly journal
B sample lesson plans
C meetings with other student teachers
D observing other teachers
E evaluation from supervising teacher
F portfolio
G final exam [br]
Now listen carefully and answer Questions 21 to 25.
A: I’d like to go over with you today some of the requirements for your student teaching, which you’ll be undertaking next semester.
S: I’m really looking forward to working in a real classroom and teaching children, but I’m nervous about it, too.
A: One of my roles is to provide you with whatever support you may require. One thing that helps me do that is to know what you’re doing in the classroom, so I require all my students to keep a journal about their teaching experience.
S: That sounds like a lot of work. Will I have to write in it every day?
A: Yes, if you can. You’ll give it to me at the end of each week. Another thing I’ll want from you is a few sample lesson plans. I’ll let you know ahead of time exactly how I want you to do them.
S: Several of us from the university will be student teaching at the same school. Are we supposed to get together regularly to discuss our work?
A: I’ll meet with each student teacher individually, but you aren’t required to meet with each other. Of course, you can talk together as much as you want. You will, however, have to observe some of the other teachers in the school, besides the teacher you’ll be working with.
S: Then will I get an evaluation from my supervising teacher at the end of the semester?
A: Actually, no. I’ll do your evaluation, and I’ll base it on several things. One is your required portfolio, which should contain samples of your class activities and your students’ work. Another important thing is your term paper.
S: Then there won’t be a final exam?
A: No, we don’t feel that’s necessary for student teaching.
S: I know I have to get an agreement form signed. Since you’re my advisor, are you the one to do that?
A: No, that form is for your supervising teacher to sign, to document that he or she agrees to have you in the classroom as a student teacher.
Now listen and answer Questions 26 to 30.
S: Oh. I see. I’m concerned about the term paper I’ll have to do, and the evaluation process. I’m not sure I understand what I’m supposed to do.
A: Regarding the term paper, the first thing is to choose a topic. It should be related to your teaching work. You should let me know your term paper topic by the end of the first week of the semester.
S: Will you be observing me regularly in the classroom?
A: Yes, and during the fourth week of the semester, we’ll have our first evaluation meeting to discuss my observations.
S: One thing I’m really looking forward to is the student teacher conference that the university puts on every year.
A: I’m glad you’re looking forward to it. Of course, everyone in the program is required to attend. The conference takes place. Let me check, yes, the seventh week of the semester.
S: When will I have to turn in my term paper?
A: The term paper is due by the end of the fourteenth week of the semester. Then during the fifteenth and final week, we’ll get together one last time for a semester review.
S: Wow. It looks like I have a busy semester ahead of me.
student teacher conference
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