[img]2022m3x/ct_ve01202001m_eillist_1180_220329[/img] [br] [originaltext](A=Age
[img]2022m3x/ct_ve01202001m_eillist_1180_220329[/img] [br] [originaltext](A=Age
(A=Agent S=Student)
A: Good morning. May I help you?
S: Oh, good morning. Is this the Student Job Centre?
A: Oh, yes.
S: Um... I was wondering if perhaps you could tell me a bit about the job, you know, the Hotel Recruitment Program that offers a range of work at the hotels in the area.
A: Of course, take a seat, please. I’ll take you through some of what we have on offer.
S: Thank you so much. Oh, wait a second and I’ll get my pen.
A: OK The first job is
Reception Assistant
at the Parkview Hotel. The Parkview Hotel has quite an international flavour, so you’ll need to speak at least two foreign languages.
S: Sure, I can speak fluent French and Spanish, so that’s no problem.
A: Good. And many guests, of course, travel by car, and you may have to take their vehicles around to the car park, so you will need to
have a valid driving license,
and you will not be allowed to do the job if you haven’t.
S: OK, I got that.
A: Right. And they also say that basic computer skills such as word processing would be an advantage, although this isn’t a requirement.
S: Well, I just got my Computer Skills certificate, so I have no worries about that.
A: This is quite a varied job, and in fact I should point out that at certain times of the day it would
involve heavy lifting
when guests’ luggage arrives or perhaps deliveries come in. Is that OK for you?
S: Well, it’s hard to say at this moment. But I’ll bear that in mind when deciding whether to apply for this post.
A: Sure. Another job is general assistant at the Lakeside Hotel. To be honest, the pay is rather low, but there are
compensatory factors, for example, the hotel will provide you with all your meals
while you’re working, and they will also train you in all the aspects of the job and then
issue you with a certificate,
which, of course, could be very valuable to you in the future.
S: Oh, that sounds great.
A: Now... the third job on offer is Catering Assistant at Hotel 98 smart new premises. As you know, this hotel is popular with exclusive travelers and so you’ll need to
wear the distinctive staff uniform
— which you’re provided with. Don’t consider this job unless you’re fairly flexible about when you work, as the hotel will require you to work nights for this job, and you will need to travel to and from the hotel, as it’s situated just outside the city.
S: Well. I’m afraid I can’t manage that because of the lectures.
staff uniform
此题对应的第三份工作需要穿工作服(staff uniform),wear是题目的原词复现,故空格处填入staff uniform。
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既能清热泻火,又可滋阴润肺的药物是A.竹叶 B.芦根 C.栀子 D.知母
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