[img]2022m3x/ct_ve01202001m_eillist_1327_220329[/img] [br] [originaltext]S: And
[img]2022m3x/ct_ve01202001m_eillist_1327_220329[/img] [br] [originaltext]S: And
S: And I want to get a ticket... can I do that now, and get the discount, or do I have to wait until the card’s ready?
C: No, you can book the ticket now, and collect it at the same time as you get the card.
S: OK. So I want a return ticket to London next week...how much will that cost?
C: Well, it depends on what sort of ticket you get. There are four different kinds... I’ll go through them for you. Right, the cheapest one’s the London Day Out. That’s good if you’re just going away for the day... it includes some bus and tube travel in London, but you have to travel outside peak hours.
That costs £17.00.
S: OK...
C: Now, the next one’s called the Super Advance Return. You can travel on any train with that, but you have to
book your seat one day ahead.
Actually, it’s better to book earlier if you can because there’s only a limited number of tickets.
S: OK... and how much is that?
C: It’s S23.
S: That doesn’t sound too bad. What about the other types of tickets?
C: They’re more expensive. There’s one called the Saver which again you can use on most trains outside peak hours,
that’s £32.35.
But you don’t need to buy it in advance, you can get it on the day you travel.
S: Mmm, that’s a bit expensive.
C: And finally,
there’s the Open ticket,
and with that you can travel on any train on any day of the week, and you don’t need to book ahead, but that costs £62.
S: £62! Right, I’ll have a Super Advance. Now, I’d like to leave next Tuesday morning on the 9:45 train and come back on Saturday at 9.30 p.m. And... you said that usually costs £23?
C: That’s right.
S: So how much do I save with the railcard?
C: You get a third off... a third off £23 is £7.66.
so you’ll pay £15.34.
But then this time you have to pay for the railcard too... that’s £15.34 plus £23... so altogether you’ll have to pay £38.34.
S: And when can I collect them?
C: They’ll be ready by Thursday, they should be at the bookings office after about 10:00 a.m.
S: Oh... I don’t know if I can make it on Thursday. You can’t post them, can you?
C: No, you have to collect your railcard in person and sign it, and I nearly forgot to tell you, you need a passport size photograph for it. If you don’t have one, there’s a machine on the station.
S: No, I think I’ve got one somewhere. I needed some for my college education. I think I had one left over.
C: Good. So is there anything else?
S: No, that’s great. Thanks a lot. Bye!
C: Goodbye.
one day
Super Advance Return这种类型的票需要提前一天预订,录音中的ahead对应题目的in advance表示“提前”。
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