Temperature Three scales of temperature, each
Temperature Three scales of temperature, each
Three scales of temperature, each of which permits a precise measurement, are in concurrent use: the Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin scales. These three different temperature scales were each developed by different people and have come to be used in different situations.
The scale that is most widely used by the general public in the United States is the Fahrenheit scale. In 1714, Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, a German physicist who was living in Holland and operating an instrument business, developed a mercury-in-glass thermometer and the temperature scale that still carries his name. His original scale had two fixed points: 0°was the lowest temperature that he could achieve in a solution of ice, water, and salt, and 96°was what he believed was the normal temperature of the human body (though this was later determined to be 98.6°). Based on this scale, he calculated that the freezing point (or ice point) of water was 32°; in later studies, it was determined that the boiling point of water (the steam point) was 212°. The Fahrenheit scale came to be accepted as the standard measure of temperature in a number of countries, including Great Britain, and from there it was spread to British colonies throughout the world. Today, however, the United States is the only major country in the world that still uses the Fahrenheit scale.
The scale that is in use in many other countries is the Celsius scale. Anders Celsius (1701~1744), a Swedish astronomer, developed a thermometer in 1741 that based temperatures on the freezing and boiling temperatures of water. On the thermometer that Celsius developed, however, 0°was used to indicate the boiling temperature of water, and 100°was used to indicate the freezing temperature of water. After his death, the scale was reversed by a friend, the biologist Carl von Linne (1707~1748), who achieved acclaim for his development of the Linnean classification system for plants and animals. On the new scale after the reversal by von Linne, 0° indicated the freezing temperature of water, and 100° indicated the boiling temperature of water. A At around the same time that Celsius and von Linne were working on their thermometer in Sweden, a similar thermometer was being developed in France. B After the French Revolution, the scale developed in France was adopted as part of the metric system in that country under the name centigrade, which means "a hundred units," and from there it spread worldwide. C In 1948, an international agreement was made to rename the centigrade scale the Celsius scale in honor of the scientist who was first known to use a 100-degree scale, though it should be remembered that the scale that Celsius actually used himself was the reverse of today’s scale. D
A third scale, the Kelvin scale, is generally used today for scientific purposes. This scale was first suggested in 1854 by two English physicists: William Thomson, Lord Kelvin (1824~1907) and James Prescott Joule (1818~1889). The Kelvin scale defines 0°as absolute zero, the hypothetical temperature at which all atomic and molecular motion theoretically stops, and 100°separates the freezing point and boiling point of water, just as it does on the Celsius scale. On the Kelvin scale, with 0°equal to absolute zero, water freezes at 273°, and water boils at a temperature 100°higher. The Kelvin scale is well suited to some areas of scientific study because it does not have any negative values, yet it still maintains the 100° difference between the freezing point and boiling point of water that the Celsius scale has and can thus easily be converted to the Celsius scale by merely subtracting 273° from the temperature on the Kelvin scale. [br] The word adopted in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by
A、taken on.
B、brought up.
C、looked upon.
D、turned down.
较大质量事故应由()组织调查。A.项目法人组织调查 B.项目主管部门
费斯廷格的认知失调理论认为,认知失调的原因包括()。 (A)逻
室外工程可根据()划分为子单位工程。A.施工工序 B.建筑设计分区 C.专
中波和短波广播发射台总发射功率()的为防火一类建筑物。A.≥50Kw B.≥
神经元兴奋时,首先产生动作电位的部位是A、胞体 B、树突 C、轴突 D、轴
强迫观念() A.联想过程缺乏一定方向,概念间缺乏内在联系 B.大脑中反复出