[img]2012q1/ct_etoefm_etoeflistz_0822_20121[/img] [br] What does the professor s
[img]2012q1/ct_etoefm_etoeflistz_0822_20121[/img] [br] What does the professor s
[br] What does the professor say about the local small business association?
[Student (male)] Q3 [Professor] Williams, I know it’s a couple of minutes before our
scheduled appointment, but I got out of class early, so I thought I’d just drop by
to see if you were available...
[Professor (female)] Oh--hello, Andrew. I was just looking over some student papers-
nothing I can’t finish later on.
[Student] Great.Thanks. I really appreciate it.
[Professor] Of course. It’s no problem. So, what can I do for you today? Are you here to talk
about your grade on the last big exam? I know a lot of students have questions
about how I graded some of the essay questions...
[Student] Actually, I haven’t gotten my exam back yet. I was out sick all last week, so I just
took the test this Monday, remember?
[Professor] Oh, that’s right. Sorry I forgot. I should have it graded for you in the next couple
of days.
[Student] That’s no problem. I think I did pretty well...I didn’t have any trouble with the
essay questions.
[Professor] Good. So, Q5 what do you need today?
[Student] Well, it’s about the final project for the class.
[Professor] Ah. [surprised] On community economic development? You know...
the due date for that’s still quite far away.
[Student] Oh, I know, but...I just like to get ahead of schedule when I can. And I don’t
have much work right now in my other classes. Might as well take advantage
of it, you know?
[Professor] Yes, that’s a good idea. Um...the final project. Like I mentioned at the beginning
of the semester, it’s a pretty open assignment...you can pursue whatever
concepts from the class you’re interested in, in terms of community economic
development. And in whatever form is most suitable for presenting your work.
That could be a research paper...um, a website...anything like that.
[Student] Right. I’ve been thinking about the assignment, and, um, I’ve come up with an
idea I think will work.
[Professor] Great.Tell me about it.
[Student] OK. I’d like to base my final project on an interview of someone in the local
business community. Um, since I’m interested in starting up a small business
when I graduate from school.
[Professor] Hmm...that sounds like a great idea. I don’t think any of my students have ever
done that for this project. Yeah, that’s good. Let me see...if you’re looking for
guidance with conducting an interview, I have a great collection of resources
you might want to look at. And I’d be happy to recommend some other books
that I don’t personally own but you can check out from Truman Library.
[Student] Oh, thanks.That’d be really helpful. Actually, though, that’s not the part that I’m
having trouble with.
[Professor] Oh?
[Student] Q1 Well, I’m not too worried about the actual interview itself...but I can’t
seem to figure out where to start in order to find a local businessperson to
meet with. It seems like it’d be easy to do...but I just don’t know the best way
to go about it.
[Professor] Well, that’s understandable. Um, OK...let’s see if I can come up with any
suggestions for you. Q2 Hmm...I guess the best person to interview would
be someone who’s already doing what you’re interested in doing after college.
[Student] Yeah, I think that’d be best. That really narrows down the possibilities. Um, my
dream is to open a business as a kayak guide.You know, leading kayak tours on
the rivers upstate,
[Professor] Great. OK, I know there’re a couple of local companies who provide that
kind of service. I recommend you start by speaking with the owners of those
companies and finding out if they’d be willing to share their experiences in an
interview with you.
[Student] Do you think that’d work? 1 mean...just going in and asking them like that?
[Professor] I bet it would.They’d probably be flattered actually. Most businesspeople I know
are more than happy to talk about how they started out...the challenges they
faced and how they overcame them...those kinds of things.
[Student] OK. I’ll try it.
[Professor] If for some reason that doesn’t work out, Q3 you could also get in touch
with the local small business association. See if they could help you contact
some community business owners. Many of the businesses affiliated with that
organization are really interested in community and economic development,
and they’d probably be enthusiastic in helping you with your project.
[Student] Thanks. Those are some great suggestions. I’ll start with the ideas you
mentioned and get back to you if I need help after that.
[Professor] Good luck, Andrew.
A、Local business owners often join to discuss their experiences.
B、They might be able to help the student contact a business owner.
C、The student should ask them for help when he opens his new business.
D、People there have helped out students in her classes in the past.
注射剂的附加剂不具有防止主药氧化作用的是()。A:亚硫酸钠 B:焦亚硫酸钠
骨折临床愈合的标准中,不正确的是A.X线示骨折线模糊,有连续性骨痂通过 B.局
重度低渗性脱水伴休克时,扩容治疗采用的液体是()A.1:4含钠液 B
WHO评价牙周健康状况的标准是15岁少年的( )。A.牙龈健康平均检出区段数