In this part of the section, you will hear 1 conversation and 2 lectures.
In this part of the section, you will hear 1 conversation and 2 lectures.
In this part of the section, you will hear 1 conversation and 2 lectures.
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You will now begin this part of the Listening section. You will have 10 minutes to answer the questions.
[br] What does the student imply when she says this:
S Dr. Smith, you asked to see me?
P Ah, yes. Gillian ... thanks for stopping by. I wanted to talk to you about being my teaching assistant this term.
S Really? That’s great!
P Yes, I’m looking forward to it as well. Since the term has gotten underway, I’d like you to start as soon as possible.
S Sure, I would be able to start next Monday.
P Hmm, okay, I’d hoped for sooner, but that’s fine.
S [clears throat] You mentioned my duties, Dr. Smith. How will I be assisting you?
P Yes, of course, your duties ... well, you will provide two main functions as my teaching assistant. First, I’d like your assistance in marking essays, mid-terms and a number of smaller assignments. I’ll mark the final exam.
S That sounds fine. Do you mark using a rubric of any sort?
P Well, not really anything formal, uh ... generally I follow the guidelines for the department, so why don’t you go by those and I’ll give you a copy of the syllabus as a reference. I will review the grades you assign anyway, so if there are any major differences of opinion, we can discuss them then.
S Yes, although it would be helpful for me to have a clearer understanding of your biases, preferences, and whether you mark "hard" or "easy." Perhaps I can see some of your marking from other classes to get a sense. It’s just easier on the students, and for us as well, if we synchronize our marking.
P True enough. After so many years of teaching, it seems rather instinctual now. It’s like a good exercise for me to review my marking philosophy. But let me see here ... yes, here is a stack of essays I marked from my online course. Please have them back by the end of the week so that I can distribute them.
S Okay. You mentioned a second duty?
P Yes, thanks. I’d like you to hold a weekly tutorial for students who have any questions about the material we cover during the week. This is a fairly fast-paced course, from Monday to Wednesday so I find that some students need more time to discuss the major concepts and I am not able to accommodate them during regular class time to the extent that they require.
S Um, how long a tutorial are you thinking of?
P An hour to an hour and a half at most ... whatever works best with your schedule. Ideally, the tutorial should be on either Thursday or Friday, because I want my students to have some time to review things covered during the class. And if you’re not available on one of them, Monday could also be an option.
S Friday morning would work with my schedule. Is attending the tutorial mandatory for the students?
P No, but they do get participation marks for attending, so you’ll have to take attendance. Oh, and you will also need to hold an office hour once a week for any students who may have questions, particularly about marking.
S Wow! This is a larger time commitment than I anticipated.
P Oh, are you still interested in the position? I do need to have someone in place fairly soon.
S Yes, I am still interested. I’ll just have to make some adjustments to my schedule to accommodate both the tutorial and the office hour. Does it matter if they are both on the same day?
P Not at all.
S That’s good, then I think it will work out fine. Fridays are quite open for me. Now, Dr. Smith, may I ask about my salary?
P Oh, yes, right. Well, as a teaching assistant you belong to the same union as the session instructors ... so ... according to their handbook, you would receive about 20 dollars per hour. Since the marking isn’t equally distributed across the semester, the department has decided to pay you for five hours a week to compensate.
S Thank you. I imagine I will receive an appointment statement through the departmental mail?
P Yes, I believe so-in a day or two.
S Um, how long a tutorial are you thinking of?
P An hour to an hour and a half at most ... whatever works best with your schedule. Ideally, the tutorial should be on either Thursday or Friday, because I want my students to have some time to review things covered during the class. And if you’re not available on one of them, Monday could also be an option.
Why does the professor prefer these particular days for the tutorial?
P No, but they do get participation marks for attending, so you’ll have to take attendance. Oh, and you will also need to hold an office hour once a week for any students who may have questions, particularly about marking.
S Wow! This is a larger time commitment than I anticipated.
What does the student imply when she says this:
S Wow! This is a larger time commitment than I anticipated.
A、She wants to take on more duties than he’s offering.
B、She feels overwhelmed by the number of duties.
C、She feels the professor is taking advantage of her.
D、She is unsure whether she has the time for this jo
判断意图题 教授说一周要去一次助教室,学生说那样比自己预想的要更占时间,因此可以推断出学生不能确定能否抽出时间来做那件事。
审查设计投标人的人员技术力量主要是考察( )的资质能力。 A、设计单位负责人
下列哪项是羊水栓塞早期诊断的依据A.典型的临床表现 B.下腔静脉采血查到羊水成
下列属于世界500强企业关于优秀员工核心标准的是( )。A.始终按照上司指示