Grand CanyonHow was the Grand Canyon formed? The truth
Grand CanyonHow was the Grand Canyon formed? The truth
Grand Canyon
How was the Grand Canyon formed? The truth is that no one knows for sure though there are some pretty good guesses, and it is usually thought that a number of processes combined to create the views that you see in today’s Grand Canyon. The most powerful force to have an impact on the Grand Canyon is
, primarily by water(and ice)and secondly by wind. Other forces that contributed to the Canyon’s formation are the course of the Colorado River itself, vulcanism, continental drift and slight variations in the earth’s orbit which in turn causes variations in seasons and climate.
Water seems to have had the most impact basically because our planet has lots of it and it is always on the move. Many people cannot understand how water can have such a profound impact considering that the Canyon is basically located in a desert. This is one of the biggest reasons that water has such a big impact here. Because the soil in the Grand Canyon is baked by the sun it tends to become very hard and cannot absorb water when the rains come. When it does rain the water tends to come down in torrents which only add to the problem. The plants that grow in the Grand Canyon tend to have very shallow root systems so that they can grab as much water as possible on those rare occasions when it does rain. Unfortunately these root systems do nothing to deter erosion by holding the soil in place. Now you’ve got lots of water, no place for it to go, but down to the Colorado River, and nothing holding the soil and rock in place. The result is frequently a flash flood roaring down a side canyon that can move
the size of automobiles, buses and even small houses. If automobiles, buses and small houses are in the way then
will take them too.(A)
Luckily no one builds houses in the Grand Canyon so that’s not a problem but there are a few autos, vans and buses sitting at the bottom of the Colorado River. This mass that moves down a side canyon during a flash flood is more like fast flowing concrete than water and it can be very dangerous. You should always be well informed of weather conditions when you are hiking through side canyons in the Grand Canyon.
In the colder months, especially on the north rim, water seeps into cracks between the rocks. These cracks can be caused by seismic activity, or by the constant
and drying of the rocks.(C)
When the water freezes it expands and pushes the rocks apart and widens the cracks. Eventually rocks near the rim are pushed off the edge and fall into the side canyons. These rocks sometimes hit other rocks and are stopped but on occasion one fall by a large rock will cause a cascading effect and create a rock fall that will alter the landscape drastically in the side canyon. Debris from rock falls piles up at the bottom of the side canyons and is then carried down to the Colorado River the next time there is a flash flood. Rock falls frequently take out sections of trail in the Grand Canyon requiring the Park Service to close these trails until they can be repaired.(D)
Once the ice has pushed the rocks off the edge and the water in the flash floods has carried them down to the river, then the Colorado itself takes over. The erosive action of the Colorado has been severely constrained by the building of the Glen Canyon Dam, which ended the annual spring floods, but there is still a lot of water flowing relatively quickly through a very narrow gorge. Before building the dam the Colorado River had spring floods that would exceed a flow rate of 100 000 CFS(cubic feet per second). All of that snow melting in the Colorado Rockies came pouring down through the Grand Canyon in May and June every year, like clock-work. These spring floods were considerably larger than today’s "
" of 8 000~10 000 CFS at low water and even the 20 000 CFS peak flow rates. [br] Look at the four squares
that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.
After erosion by liquid water the next most powerful force is probably its solid form, ice.
Where would the sentence best fit?
本题为插话题,考查考生将特定的一句话根据它与其他顺序相连的四个句子之间的逻辑关系,插人某个方框的能力。所插话语“After erosion by liquid water the next most powerfulforce is probably its solid form,ice”的意思是“液态水侵蚀后接下来最强大的力量是固态水一一冰的侵蚀”。这一句的上文说的应当是液态水发生侵蚀作用的过程,所以根据原文的上下文语境,可以判断该句子应该插人文章的第二个方框处,即B处。
初始开发项目需要重点研究().A:政府颁布的土地利用规划 B:项目开发方案
支气管扩张症的患者每天咳嗽、咳痰最明显的时间段是A.清晨起床时 B.白天 C
政府投资项目实行审批制,一般不再审批( )。A.项目建议书 B.项目可行性研究
哪项描述不符合遗传性肿瘤的特点A.发病年龄较年轻 B.常为多发性肿瘤 C.第