You will now read a short passage and listen to a conversation on the same topic

游客2025-02-06  2

问题 You will now read a short passage and listen to a conversation on the same topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, give yourself 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then record yourself speaking for 60 seconds.
                    Professor Fox Accepts New Position
    We are happy to announce that Professor Fox will be filling the vacant Dean of Students position. Strong organizational skills are important for this position. Professor Fox has demonstrated such skills in her role as Head of the Philosophy Department, where she has coordinated department affairs for five years. Additionally, the Dean of Students must be someone who is able to work well with students, since responsibilities include counseling and advising students who are dealing with personal problems. As our head women’s soccer coach, Professor Fox has proven to be a supportive role model for team members, always offering assistance when they ask for personal guidance.
Listen to Track 79.

The woman expresses her opinion about the change described in the article. Briefly summarize the change. Then state her opinion about the change and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
Now listen to two students discussing the article.
Female student
I don’t like this at all.
Male student
Why not? She’s done a lot for the philosophy department. . . like, well, hiring some great new teaching assistants ... and putting together seminars.
Female student
Well, she has trouble organizing schedules.
Male student
Whadda’ya mean?
Female student
Well, she only realized last minute that she didn’t have enough teaching assistants in the department, so some classes got cancelled.
Male student
Female student
And I wanted to take a special two-week philosophy course in Europe .. . she was supposed to sign all the paperwork, but she didn’t do it in time so I missed the whole trip!
Male student
Oh, wow. So organization’s not her strong point, I guess.
Female student
Yeah. Besides, she’s always critical. A lot of us on the team have complained to the university about her aggressive coaching style.
Male student
Oh, really? I met her... I mean, I thought she was nice.
Female student
Humph! Well, my friend . . . she had some serious problems in her family. She went to talk to Professor Fox and ...
Male student
Yeah? What happened?
Female student
Well, she wanted emotional support from someone she looked up to, but instead Professor Fox made all kinds of critical comments. Maybe she’s good at philosophy, but she’s not a counselor. When students go to the dean, they go because they need someone to talk to, not so someone can criticize them.
The woman expresses her opinion about the change described in the article. Briefly summarize the change. Then state her opinion about the change and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


答案     To respond to this particular question, you should state the woman’s opinion of the university’s decision to give the position of Dean of Students to Professor Fox. In this case, the woman disagrees with the decision.
    After stating that the woman disagrees with the decision, you should convey the two main reasons she gives for holding that opinion. You will need to connect information from the conversation to the reading in order for the response to be complete. The woman says that the first reason given for appointing Professor Fox—that she has strong organizational skills—is not valid. You should provide as her explanation either that some classes were cancelled because Professor Fox did not organize enough teaching assistants or that she missed a philosophy course in Europe because Professor Fox did not sign her paperwork in time.
    Your response should also convey the woman’s second reason for not agreeing with the university’s decision to make Professor Fox Dean of Students. The woman disagrees that Professor Fox works well with students. As support, she says that Professor Fox has an aggressive coaching style. She also gives an example of her friend who was criticized by Professor Fox when she was looking for emotional support. This shows that, in the woman’s opinion, Professor Fox would not be a good Dean of Students.
    As you need to discuss both of the woman’s reasons for disagreeing with the university’s decision, you should not include too much detail from the reading or concentrate too much on one of the reasons. Give yourself enough time to discuss both reasons.
    Your response should be intelligible, should demonstrate effective use of grammar and vocabulary, and should be well developed and coherent.
