[img]2018m9s/ct_etoefz_etoeflistz_201808_0040[/img] [br] What does the student t
[img]2018m9s/ct_etoefz_etoeflistz_201808_0040[/img] [br] What does the student t
[br] What does the student tell the professor about her mother?
Listen to part of a conversation between a student (S) and her music education professor (P).
S: Hi, Professor Wilson! Sorry I’m late. My bike had a flat tire this morning.
P: Oh, no! Well, these things happen from time to time.
S: Thanks for understanding.
P: So what did you have in mind for your project?
S: I was thinking of creating a computer game to teach music to young children.
P: That sounds interesting. I don’t think we’ve ever had anyone do that for a class project. Could you elaborate a bit?
S: Well, my mother’s a music teacher...
P: So you’re following in her footsteps?
S: Hers and my fathers. They’re both music teachers.
P: Ok, ok, go ahead.
S: My mother recently told me about a teaching method called "the Orff Method" where you begin by introducing the very most basic elements of music: speech patterns, rhythmic movement, two-note melodies, and so on. And then you move on to more advanced stuff. I know there are other methods that do that sort of thing, but the key to the Orff Method is at every step you encourage the kids to use what they’re learning to create their own music, and that draws out the kid’s natural affinity for music, their natural ability for music.
P: Sure, that’s a great method. We actually cover it in another class I teach.
S: Oh, ok. Great! I guessed you would probably already know about it. Anyway, and I hope this is ok. I’m also taking a computer-programming class this semester, and for a project in that class we have to come up with an idea for a computer game and then write the program.
P: And you want to combine the two projects?
S: Yes. l know it might look like I’m trying to get out work by submitting the same project for two classes, but in fact I think I’ll end up doing a lot more work this way.
P: How’s that?
S: Well, it’d actually be much simpler to just make up some simple game for the computer project and just do some sort of research paper on the Orff Method in your class. It’s going to take a lot more work in both classes to combine the two, because first I’ll have to learn all about the Orff Method, then I’ll have to invent the game that’s based on the Orff Method, and then I’ll have to learn to do some pretty sophisticated programming to create the computer program for the game.
P: Well, first, I’m pleased that you’re synthesizing learning from more than one course.
S: Ok.
P: And I agree that it’s going to be a lot of work if you do it right.
S: Don’t worry. My goal is to create something I can put on the market and make some money to help pay off my student loans, so...
P: Wow! That’s unusually ambitious.
S: It runs in the family. My parents already have a number of educational CDs and DVDs on the market.
P: Ok... ok. Well, you convinced me. I’ll be looking forward to seeing what you come with.
A、She was one of the first music teachers to adopt the Orff method of teaching music.
B、She uses the Orff method of teaching music only with advanced students.
C、She taught her to play a musical instrument using the Orff method.
D、She told her about the Orff method of teaching music.
细节题。线索词为学生所说:My mother recently told me about a teaching method called“the Orff Method”…如原文所述,学生的母亲告诉她一种叫Orff method(奥尔夫教学法)的音乐教学方法。A选项错误,文中确有提及她母亲是一位音乐教师,但并未提及她是首批采用奥尔夫教学法的教师之一。B选项错误,advanced在文中用于修饰与音乐相关的内容而非学生。并且,文中未提及学生母亲是否使用奥尔夫教学法教音乐,也未将该方法的受众限定为高水平学生。C选项错误,文中未提及学生母亲教她使用奥尔夫教学法来演奏乐器。
不属于ICU基本治疗设备的是A.呼吸机 B.输液泵 C.有创测血压装置 D
孕妇禁用的中药有A.马钱子 B.千金子 C.土鳖虫 D.洋金花 E.闹羊