[img]2018m9s/ct_etoefz_etoeflistz_201808_0052[/img] [br] What can be inferred ab
[img]2018m9s/ct_etoefz_etoeflistz_201808_0052[/img] [br] What can be inferred ab
[br] What can be inferred about the man’s plans at the end of the conversation?
Listen to a conversation between a student (s) and an employee (E) at the study-abroad office.
E: Hi, what can I do for you?
S: Hello, I have a question about my passport. I’d like to know if I should have it renewed before I go abroad... ’cause... um... it’s going to expire before I return.
E: Oh yes, you should. Are you by chance on one of our semester abroad programs? If so, you should talk to the person in charge of that program.
S: Not exactly, but I’d like to go to France next semester. I heard you have a program there, right?
E: Well, yes we do. But I’m afraid you’ve already missed the deadline for the spring semester. It was September 15. But you might not have been able to go anyway. The program is popular and students signed up quickly. You can still apply for the fall semester.
S: Next fall? Well... that’s... I mean, I’ll be out of school at the end of next year, and I will be working on an independent study all year. And I... I’m supposed to work closely with my instructor, Professor Jacobs...here at the main campus, and I...well, I can’t leave the country.
E: Maybe you could go in the summer. It’s a shorter time to study abroad, but you’d have the experience of living and studying in France.
S: Um... I don’t know. Are the courses the same as in the spring?
E: Pretty much the same. What’s your major?
S: French language and literature. What’s the deadline for the summer?
E: You should have a few weeks till the deadline. But remember, it’s a popular program. I’m a little surprised you missed the deadline for the spring semester. Didn’t your advisor suggest that you apply for the program to improve your French language skills? I mean, it’s very common for language majors to do that at some point.
S: Well, I just changed my major this semester. This might explain why I hadn’t heard of it previously. And originally, I wasn’t planning to go abroad. Now I’d love to live and study in France. And since I have to take a lot of French courses between now and graduation, well, it would also help me to fulfill the French department’s requirements.
E: Have you discussed this with your advisor? He might have good advice.
S: No not really, he’s really busy and... um... I’m a new student in the department. He doesn’t know me very well. So I’ve been feeling kind of nervous about talking to him about it, but I suppose he has to write me a recommendation letter, right?
E: Yes, he does. And you’re going to have to talk to him sooner or later if you want to go. You know, even though the program is popular, a good letter of recommendation can make all the difference. So talk to your advisor if you’re still interested. And ah... oh, be sure to take the brochure for the program in France and let us know if you have any more questions.
A、Whether he will stay in the French department remains uncertain
B、Whether he will apply to study in France remains uncertain.
C、He will obviously go to France during the fall semester.
D、He will probably reconsider his plan to study in France.
推断题。在对话的开端部分,学生表示对春季的留学项目感兴趣,但申请的截止时间已过导致学生无法参加,教授转而推荐秋季项目,如上文所示,学生又说秋季学期无法出国;工作人员再次建议他考虑暑期项目,这时学生说What’s the deadline for the summer?表现出对此有兴趣,后续对话即开始讨论暑期出国的条件和细节问题,因此D选项是正确答案。学生已转为法语系,不存在不确定是否呆在法语系的问题,因此A选项不正确。学生明确表示自己想去法国参加学习项目的愿望:Now I’d love to live and study in France,因此B选项不正确。学生已明确表示自己秋季需要呆在学校,无法参加留学项目,因此C选项不正确。
图中多层材料组成的复合墙体,哪种做法总热阻最大?()A. B. C.
A.温中行气,涩肠止泻 B.益肾固精,健脾止泻,除湿止带 C.涩肠止泻,生肌
土地异议登记是在()中发生的..A:预告登记 B:注销登记 C:更正登记
( )是企业对员工劳动贡献的一种间接补偿,是企业薪酬制度的一个重要的组成部分。