Writing Based on Knowledge and Experience Directions: For this task,
Writing Based on Knowledge and Experience Directions: For this task,
Writing Based on Knowledge and Experience
For this task, you will write an essay in response to a question that asks you to state, explain, and support your opinion on an issue.
Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words. Your essay will be judged on the quality of your writing. This includes the development of your ideas, the organization of your essay, and the quality and accuracy of the language you use to express your ideas.
You have 30 minutes to plan and complete your essay.
Write your essay in the space provided.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Your job has more effect on your happiness than your living environment does.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
For a truly peaceful existence, a person needs both a comfortable and satisfying career, as well as a happy living environment. However, one’s living environment is probably more important for contentment than one’s job, because people spend far more time at home than they do at work, and it is easier to change jobs than living environments.
One way of judging the impact a certain factor has on our lives is by looking at how much time we spend exposed to it In this sense, there’s no contest between the career and living environment: even the hardest-working employees still spend the majority of their time at home. Even if problems occur on the job, most people try to put those problems aside when they get to their house or apartment. People eat, sleep, bond with friends and family, and relax in their homes.
My mother sometimes works as many as sixty hours per week, but she still gets to relax when she gets home each night. Despite working so many hours, she still spends the majority of her time in her own house.
Since we experience the majority of our happy times at home, it is obvious that living environment affects us more than our job.
Another reason living environment is more crucial to happiness than career is that it is much more difficult to change our home environment than it is a job. Most people only change apartments or houses at most once a year, due to lease agreements and mortgages. However, changing jobs or companies is much easier, and more common. Changing living situations requires more planning and commitment.
When I had to transfer to a new city for my career, it was much harder to deal with my living situation than to get settled into a new position at work.
Due to the relative difficulty associated with changing one’s home environment as opposed to changing one’s job, it should be abundantly clear just how important said home environment is to our overall happiness.
Home is our comfort zone, the place where we unwind and relax. Home life affects our happiness more than our career. After all, because of the amount of time spent at home as well as the difficulty of changing homes, the place we choose to live is often the very cornerstone of our entire lives.
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