You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same academic
You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same academic
You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same academic topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Audience Profile
An audience profile is a necessary first step in successful advertising. One might call it advertising’s "homework." It helps identify who exactly buys a given company’s product as well as the type of people viewing this or that broadcast. Before advertising, the information such as potential customers’ preference and demand are gathered and analyzed in order to make advertisements aiming at their personal preference and needs. With this information in hand, companies can then create ads appealing to people likely to buy their products.
Now hear a talk on the same subject.
Question: Using the example from the lecture, explain how the milk company uses the Audience Profile to promote its sales.
OK, we’ve been looking at the definition of an audience profile. That’s all fine, but it’s pretty general. To make the idea come alive, let’s take an example of a company that sells milk.
A few years back, the sales of the milk company were only so-so. So, they took a survey to see who was buying their milk. Or how often and how much the customers buy their milk. Then the company found most of its primary customers are females, especially those with children. It makes a lot of sense to everybody since men usually buy beer for themselves and martinis for single women. So, it’s women with kids who buy the milk. And also the survey showed that these female buyers focus more on nutrition, not on the taste of the milk when choosing among different milk products.
So the milk company started running those ads with a silver-haired doctor telling those worried-looking mothers how the nutritious and healthy milk produced by the company can benefit children’s physical well being. Later, the company has been named Number One in the milk market ever since. So remember, before you even dare to think about writing that ad, find out two things. Who is likely to buy your product? And what is she worried about? Answer those questions, and you have a winning ad!
The lecture is about an academic concept called Audience Profile. It helps companies identify the type of people who exactly buy their product. With such information, companies can then create ads appealing to people likely to buy their products.
The professor explains the concept of audience profile through an example of milk selling.
According to the lecture, a milk company did a market survey for the sales promotion of its milk. And then the finding was that most of its customers are women with children who care only about the nutrition, but not the taste of the milk. So the TV commercial produced by the company showed a doctor talking to people that the milk produced by the company is beneficial to children’s physical well being. This lecture indicates that before advertising, companies need to find out who will buy their products.
Audience Profile观众简介。即It helps identify who exactly buys a given company’s product as well as the type of people viewing this or that broadcast.With this information in hand,companies can then create ads appealing to people likely to buy their products.将标题跟定义带入模版,即是对文章的复述,即:The lecture is about an academic concept called Audience Profile.It helps companies identify the type of people who exactly buys their product.With such information,companies can then create ads appealing to people likely to buy their products.
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