TOEFL iBT Speaking. In this integrated speaking task, you will read a short pass
TOEFL iBT Speaking. In this integrated speaking task, you will read a short pass
TOEFL iBT Speaking. In this integrated speaking task, you will read a short passage about a campus situation, listen to a conversation, and then speak in response to a question about what you have read and heard. Do not look at the question until the conversation has ended. Do not look at the reading passage while you are speaking.
Reading Time - 45 seconds
Linked Course in Greek Drama and Philosophy
Study the plays of Aristophanes and Sophocles, and ponder the ideas of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. This linked course combines two courses: Introduction to Drama and Introduction to Philosophy. By enrolling in both courses, you will explore drama and its traditions as a distinctive form of creative expression in ancient Greece. You will investigate problems such as the nature of human knowledge, free will, morality, and the individual and the state. You will develop strategies for reading, analysis, and interpretation. Students who enroll in Introduction to Drama must also enroll in Introduction to Philosophy.
Now cover the passage and listen to the conversation. You may take notes, and you may use your notes to help you answer the question. After you hear the question, begin preparing your response. You may look at the question, but NOT at the passage. You have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
The man expresses his opinion about the linked course. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
Preparation Time - 30 seconds
Response Time - 60 seconds
Now listen to two students as they discuss the linked course.
W: Next quarter I need two units in humanities.
M: If I were you, I’d take the Greek philosophy and drama—you know, the linked course.
W: Hmm. I wondered about that.
M: It’s really two courses, but the ideas and themes are linked. You have to register for both courses together.
W: Two courses could be a lot of work though.
M: It’s not, believe me. If you did it this way, you’d end up with a better schedule. The two professors usually plan the assignments together. That means you’d never have two papers due at the same time or two tests on the same day. Plus, you’d learn a lot more than you would in two separate courses because the readings would all be tied together in class.
W: Really?
M: And you’d also earn two units in humanities because it’s a double course. That would take care of your entire humanities requirement all at once.
W: That would be great if I could do that.
M: I took a linked course once, and I’d do it again. I wish the college had more courses like that.
The man expresses his opinion about the linked course. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
- The university is offering a linked course in Greek drama and philosophy. The man’s opinion is that the woman should take the linked course.
- One reason he gives is that she would have a better schedule. She would never have two papers due at the same time or two tests on the same day.
- Another reason is that she would learn more in a linked course than in two separate courses.
- Another reason is that she would earn two units, which would take care of the entire humanities requirement.
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