As icebergs in the Kayak Harbor pop and hiss while melting away, this remote

游客2025-02-03  2

问题    As icebergs in the Kayak Harbor pop and hiss while melting away, this remote Arctic town Narsaq (纳萨克) and its culture are also disappearing in a changing climate.
   Narsaq’s largest employer, a shrimp processing plant, closed a few years ago after the crustaceans fled north to cooler water. Where once there were eight commercial fishing vessels, there is now one. As a result, the population in Narsaq, one of southern Greenland’s major towns, has been halved to 1,500 in just a decade. Suicides are up. "Fishing is the heart of this town," said Hans Kaspersen, 63, a fisherman. "Lots of people have lost their livelihoods."
   But even as rising temperatures are upending traditional Greenlandic life, they are also offering up intriguing new opportunities for this island of 57,000 — perhaps nowhere more so than in Narsaq. Vast new deposits of minerals and gems are being discovered as Greenland’s huge ice cap recedes, forming the basis of a potentially lucrative mining industry. One of the world’s largest deposits of rare earth metals — essential for manufacturing cellphones, wind turbines and electric cars — sits just outside Narsaq.
   It has long been known that Greenland sat upon vast mineral lodes, and the Danish government has mapped them intermittently for decades. Niels Bohr, the Danish Nobel Prize laureate nuclear physicist and a participant in the Manhattan Project, which developed the first atomic bomb, visited Narsaq in 1957 because of its uranium deposits. But previous attempts at mining mostly failed, proving too expensive in the inclement conditions. Now, warming has altered the equation.
   The Greenland Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum, charged with managing the boom, has 150 active licenses for mineral exploration, up from 20 a decade ago. Altogether, companies spent US$100 million exploring Greenland’s deposits last year, and several are applying for licenses to begin construction on new mines, bearing gold, iron, zinc and rare earth. There are also foreign companies exploring for offshore oil.
   The Black Angel Lead and Zinc Mine, which closed in 1990, is applying to reopen this year, said Hammeken-Holm, who oversees licensing at the mining bureau, "because the ice is in retreat, you’re getting much more to explore."
   In Narsaq, which features a collection of brightly painted homes bordered by spectacular fjords, two foreign companies are applying to the government for permission to mine. Narsaq’s tiny airport, previously threatened with closure due to lack of traffic, could be expanded. A local landlord is contemplating converting an abandoned apartment complex into a hotel.
   "There will be a lot of people coming from outside, and that will be a big challenge, since Greenlandic culture has been isolated," said Jasper Schroder, a student from Narsaq who attends a university in Denmark. Still, he said he supports the mine and hopes it will provide jobs and stem the rash of suicides, particularly among his peers; Greenland has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. "People in this culture don’t want to be a burden to their families if they can’t contribute," he said.
   But not all are convinced of the benefits of mining. "Of course, the mine will help the local economy and will help Greenland, but I’m not so sure if it will be good for us," said Dorothea Rodgaard, who runs a local guesthouse. "We are worried about the loss of nature."


答案     卡亚港(Kayak Harbor)的冰山一边融化,一边发出嘁里喀嚓的声响。与此同时,这座遥远的北极小镇纳萨克(Narsaq)连同当地的文化也因气候变化正在消失。
    纳萨克镇上最大的雇主原是一家虾加工厂。它几年前倒闭了,因为虾群都游往北边更冷的水域。这里曾经有8艘商业捕捞船,而如今只剩下一条。结果,作为格陵兰南部大镇之一,纳萨克镇的人口10年间锐减一半,降至1500人。自杀率上升了。现年63岁的渔民汉斯-卡斯珀森(Hans Kaspersen)说:“渔业是这个小镇的主业。许多人已经失去了生计。”
    很久以来,人们就知道格陵兰地下矿脉纵横,丹麦政府在数十年里曾断续地进行勘探。丹麦核物理学家、诺贝尔奖获得者尼尔斯-玻尔(Niels Bohr)曾参与研制第一颗原子弹的曼哈顿计划,他曾于1957年去过纳萨克镇,因为那里有铀矿。但过去的采矿活动大都以失败告终,因为在恶劣气候条件下,采矿耗资太大。现在气候变暖改变了这一局面。
    纳萨克镇一位在丹麦上大学的学生贾斯珀-施罗德(Jasper Schroder)说:“会有许多外地人到这儿来,这将是一个很大的挑战,因为格陵兰文化一直是封闭的。”不过,他说他支持开矿,希望这能提供就业机会,遏制不断上升的自杀率,尤其是年轻人的自杀。格陵兰是世界上自杀率最高的地区之一。他说:“受当地文化影响的人,如果不能对自己的家庭有所帮助,就不愿意成为家庭的负担。”
    然而,也不是所有的人都认同采矿的好处。多萝西娅-罗德加(Dorothea Rodgaard)在当地经营一家旅馆,她说:“采矿当然对本地经济和格陵兰有益,但是我不敢说我们一定会从中受益。我们担心会失去大自然。”

解析 1.Where once there were eight commercial fishing vessels,there is now one.这里曾经有8艘商业捕捞船,而如今只剩下一条。
  分析  增词减词类
  本句中,翻译Where there were…,there is now…这类句型结构时,应注意英语注重形合,而汉语注重意合的特点,可将复杂的句型结构省略不译,只翻译句子的主干信息即可,比如“这里曾经有……,而如今……”。同时,为强调句子前后两部分的逻辑对比关系,可以增加“而”或“却”一类的用词。
2.As a result,the population in Narsaq,one of southern Greenland’s major towns,has been halved to 1,500 in just a decade.结果,作为格陵兰南部大镇之一,纳萨克镇的人口10年间锐减一半,降至1500人。
  分析  语言措辞类
3. …perhaps nowhere more so than in Narsaq.这种情况可能在纳萨克镇显得尤为突出。
  分析  增词减词类
  本句中,根据上下文语境可判知,so此处指的是前句中的new opportunities,翻译时可适当增词减词,将其译为“或许再也没有什么地方能比纳萨克镇拥有那么多新机遇了”。还可以只将句中主要信息(it is)more so in Narsaq提炼并翻译出来,而nowhere则省略不译,并增加“显得”作为句子谓语部分,从而可明确句意并加强句子语气。
4.Vast new deposits of minerals and gems are being discovered as Greenland’s huge ice cap recedes,forming the basis of a potentially lucrative mining industry.随着覆盖格陵兰的巨大冰层消退,藏量丰富的新矿产和宝石逐渐被发现,这就为蕴藏丰厚利润的矿业打下了基础。
  分析  词性转换类
本句虽然是长句子,但其结构却非常清晰。翻译时,可采取词性转换的译法,将引导时间状语从句的连词as译为介词“随着”,表示伴随状态,以凸显句子主干信息“新矿产和宝石被发现”,并与现在分词forming引导的状语从句相衔接,作为其逻辑上的主语。另外,forming the basis of potentially lucrative mining industry如果直译为“形成潜在利润丰厚的矿业的基础”,则显得行文哕唆,语义不通,且中心不明,因此此处可采取词性转换的译法,将副词potentially译为动词“蕴藏”,而lucrative译为名词“丰厚利润”,动宾短语作定语凸显mining industry中心词的地位。
5.One of the world’s largest deposits of rare earth metals—essential for manufacturing cellphones,wind turbines and electric cars—sits just outside Narsaq.世界上储量最大的稀土金属矿之一就在纳萨克镇附近,而稀土是制造移动电话、风力发电机和电动汽车必不可少的金属。
  分析  句子结构类
  本句虽然很长,但主谓结构却很清晰,即One of…deposits…sits…。此处可采取换序译法,将句子主干信息先前置翻译,而破折号中间的插入语部分则后置翻译。同时,可采取增译法,重复插入语部分的逻辑主语“稀土”并在其句尾增加“金属”,既能强调句子结构和层次感,又能保证句意的完整性。
6.Niels Bohr,the Danish Nobel Prize laureate nuclear physicist and a participant in the Manhattan Project,which developed the first atomic bomb,visited Narsaq in 1957 because of its uranium deposits.丹麦核物理学家、诺贝尔奖获得者尼尔斯-玻尔(Niels Bohr)曾参与研制第一颗原子弹的曼哈顿计划,他曾于1957年去过纳萨克镇,因为那里有铀矿。
  分析  句子结构类
本句在翻译时,应先理清句子主干Niels Bohr…visited Narsaq in 1957 because…。鉴于句子太长,修饰语太多,此处可采取断句译法,将整句拆分成三部分:Niels Bohr,the Danish Nobel Prize laureate nuclear physicist and a participant in the Manhattan Project;(He)visited Narsaq in 1957;because of its uranium deposits。其中,第一个小句中可采取词性转换的译法,将名词participant译为动词“参与”;第二个小句则增译逻辑主语“他”;第三个小句可以采取增译法,单独译为原因状语从句“因为那里有铀矿”,也可以与第二小句合并译为原因状语“因为它的铀矿,他曾于1957年去过纳萨克镇”。
7.In Narsaq,which features a collection of brightly painted homes bordered by spectacular fjords,two foreign companies are applying to the government for permission to mine.在纳萨克镇壮观的峡湾边上,到处都是色彩明亮的住房。这里有两家外国公司正向政府申请采矿许可。
  分析  句子结构类、语言措辞类
  本句中,which引导的Narsaq的定语部分太长,而其中还包含着一个过去分词短语作定语,建议此处采取断句译法,将整句拆分为两部分,从而使句式结构更为清晰,句意表达更为顺畅自然:Narsaq features a collection of brightly painted homes bordered by spectacular fjords;two foreign companies are applying to the government for permission to mine.其中,第一个小句中可省略关系代词which,并将homes的定语bordered by spectacular fjords前置,动词border译为介词“在……边”;动词feature原意为“以……为特色”,a collection of则表示很多,可将两者合并意译为“到处都是”,以强调“很多”和“特色”。
8.Still,he said he supports the mine and hopes it will provide jobs and stem the rash of suicides,particularly among his peers.不过,他说他支持开矿,希望这能提供就业机会,遏制不断上升的自杀率,尤其是年轻人自杀。
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