Plastic and traces of hazardous chemicals have been found in Antarctica, one o

游客2025-02-03  3

问题   Plastic and traces of hazardous chemicals have been found in Antarctica, one of the world’s last great wildernesses, according to a new study. Researchers spent three months taking water and snow samples from remote areas of the continent earlier this year. These have now been analyzed and researchers have confirmed the majority contained "persistent hazardous chemicals" or microplastics. The findings come amid growing concern about the extent of the plastic pollution crisis which scientists have warned risks "permanent contamination" of the planet. Earlier this week, the UN warned it is one of the world’s biggest environmental threats and said although 60 countries were taking urgent action more needed to be done.
  The new report by researchers at Greenpeace is part of a global campaign to create the world’s biggest ocean sanctuary in the seas around Antarctica to protect the fragile ecosystem from industrial fishing and climate change. Frida Bengtsson (弗丽达.本特松), of Greenpeace’s Protect the Antarctic campaign, said the findings proved that even the most remote areas of the planet were not immune from the impact of man-made pollution. "We need action at the source, to stop these pollutants ending up in the Antarctic in the first place, and we need an Antarctic ocean sanctuary to give space for penguins, whales and the entire ecosystem to recover from the pressures they’re facing," she said. Seven of the eight sea-surface water samples tested contained microplastics such as microfibres. Seven of the nine snow samples tested contained concentrations of persistent hazardous chemicals. Researchers said the chemicals are widely used in many industrial processes and consumer products and they have been linked to reproductive and developmental issues in wildlife. They said the snow samples gathered included freshly fallen snow, suggesting the hazardous chemicals had come from contaminated rain or snowfall. Prof. Alex Rogers (亚历克斯.罗杰斯), a specialist in sustainable oceans at the Oxford Martin School (牛津大学马丁学院), said the discovery of plastics and chemicals in Antarctica confirmed that man-made pollutants were now affecting ecosystems in every corner of the world. And he warned the consequences of this pervasive contamination remained largely unknown. "The big question now is what are the actual consequences of finding this stuff here? Many of these chemicals are pretty nasty and as they move up the food chain they may have serious consequences for the health of wildlife, and ultimately humans. The effects of microplastics on marine life, likewise, are largely not understood," he said.
  There is relatively little data on the extent of microplastics in Antarctic waters, and researchers said they hoped this new study would lead to a greater understanding of the global extent of plastic and chemical pollutants. Bengtsson said: "Plastic has now been found in all corners of our oceans, from the Antarctic to the Arctic and at the deepest point of the ocean, the Mariana trench. We need urgent action to reduce the flow of plastic into our seas and we need large-scale marine reserves - like a huge Antarctic ocean sanctuary which over 1.6m people are calling for - to protect marine life and our oceans for future generations." The samples were gathered during a three-month Greenpeace expedition to the Antarctic from January to March 2018. A decision on the sanctuary proposal, which is being put forward by the EU and supported by environmental campaign groups around the world, will be taken at the forthcoming meeting of the Antarctic Ocean Commission in Tasmania in October.  


答案       一项新研究表明,在南极洲这个世界最后一片大荒野发现了塑料和微量有害化学物质。今年早些时候,研究人员耗时三个月,从南极大陆的偏远地区采集水样和雪样。通过对这些样本的分析,研究人员证实,大多数样本含有“持久性有害化学物质”或微塑料。这些调查结果是在人们对塑料污染危机的严重程度日益担心之际出炉的。科学家们警告说,这场危机有可能给地球造成“永久性污染”。本周早些时候,联合国警告说,这是世界面临的最大环境威胁之一。联合国同时表示,尽管有60个国家正在采取紧急行动,但要做的事仍然很多。
      在南极洲周围海域建立世界最大的海洋保护区,是绿色和平组织在全球发起的一场运动,其目的是保护脆弱的生态系统免受工业化捕鱼和气候变化的影响。而绿色和平组织研究人员的这份新报告便是这场运动的一部分。绿色和平组织“保护南极”运动的弗丽达·本特松(Frida Bengtsson)表示,调查结果证明,即使是地球上最偏远的地区也未能逃脱人造污染的影响。她说:“我们要从源头入手,首先要阻止污染物进入南极地区,同时我们需要建立一个南极海洋保护区,为面临压力的企鹅、鲸类和整个生态系统提供一个舒缓的空间。”检测的8份表层海水样本中,有7份含有微塑料,如微纤维。检测的9份雪样中,有7份含有一定浓度的持久性有害化学物质。研究人员表示,这些化学物质广泛用于各种工业流程和消费产品,不少野生生物的生殖和发育问题与这些化学物质有关。他们表示,采集的雪样中有刚下的雪,这说明有害化学物质来自受到污染的雨或雪。牛津大学马丁学院从事海洋可持续研究的专家亚历克斯·罗杰斯教授(Prof.Alex Rogers)表示,南极洲发现塑料和化学物质表明,人造污染物正在影响世界各个角落的生态系统。他警告说,这种无处不在的污染会造成什么样的后果,大都还是个未知数。他表示:“现在的重要问题是在这里发现这些东西会有什么实际后果?这些化学物质中有许多是非常危险的。如果它们向食物链上游转移,很可能会对野生生物的健康产生严重影响,最终危及人类健康。同样,微塑料对海洋生物的影响在很大程度上也不为人所知。”
      微塑料在南极水域分布范围的数据还相对较少。研究人员表示,他们希望这项新研究能够让人们更多地了解塑料和化学污染物在全球分布的范围。本特松说:“现在,海洋各个角落都已发现塑料,从南极到北极,甚至在海洋最深处的马里亚纳海沟(Mariana trench)。我们亟需采取行动,减缓塑料流入我们的海洋,同时我们需要建立大规模的海洋保护区——譬如160多万人呼吁建立的一个巨大的南极海洋保护区——来保护海洋生物,保护我们的海洋,造福我们的子孙后代。”这些样本是2018年1月至3月绿色和平组织在对南极地区进行三个月考察期间采集的。即将于10月份在塔斯马尼亚(Tasmania)举行的南极海洋委员会大会上,与会者将表决欧盟提出并得到世界各地环保运动组织支持的保护区提案。

解析 1.These have now been analyzed and researchers have confirmed the majority contained “persistent hazardous chemicals”or microplastics.通过对这些样本的分析,研究人员证实,大多数样本含有“持久性有害化学物质”或微塑料。
分析 语篇理解类
本句中本来包含两个并列的主谓宾结构,即These have been…和researchers have confirmed…,虽然译为“这些(样本)己被分析完毕,研究人员证实……”似乎也并无大碍,但仔细分析上下文语境和语义便可发现,“分析”和“证实”的施动者其实都是researchers,因此,此处可将整句的主语整合,译为“通过对……的分析,研究人员证实……”,这样译句的主谓宾结构会更加简单清晰,且更能凸显英语原句中confirm后面的语义重点。
2.Earlier this week,the UN warned it is one of the world’s biggest environmental threats and said although 60 countries were taking urgent action more needed to be done.本周早些时候,联合国警告说,这是世界面临的最大环境威胁之一。联合国同时表示,尽管有60个国家正在采取紧急行动,但要做的事仍然很多。
分析 句子结构类
本句主谓结构清晰,句意也不难理解,但考虑到第二个谓语said后面还包含一个让步状语从句,如果将整句直译为“……,联合国警告说……,并说尽管……,但……”,句式未免过于冗长和松散。因此此处可考虑将整句拆分,译为两个独立的句子,即…the UN warned…和(the UN)said although…,同时适当增词以保证前后句衔接顺畅。
3.The new report by researchers at Greenpeace is part of a global campaign to create the world’s biggest ocean sanctuary in the seas around Antarctica to protect the fragile ecosystem from industrial fishing and climate change.在南极洲周围海域建立世界最大的海洋保护区,是绿色和平组织在全球发起的一场运动,其目的是保护脆弱的生态系统免受工业化捕鱼和气候变化的影响。而绿色和平组织研究人员的这份新报告便是这场运动的一部分。
分析 句子结构类、语篇理解类
本句句式较长,信息点较多,翻译时需先厘清整句的结构和句意。首先,根据上下文语义可将英语原句按逻辑顺序划分为三个分句,即:the new report by researchers at Greenpeace is part of a global campaign;(Greenpeace has launched) a (the) global campaign to create the world’s biggest ocean sanctuary in the seas around Antarctica;(the purpose of this campaign is)to protect the fragile ecosystem from industrial fishing and climate change。其次,翻译时需注意句中的两个不定式结构(a campaign) to create…和(a campaign to create…)to protect…,前者为不定式短语做定语,用以补充说明campaign的内容,后者则是不定式短语做目的状语,阐明campaign的目的。而对于英语原句句首的the new report by researchers at Greenpeace is part of global campaign,考虑到英语句子常常先表明态度、结论、结果后叙事,而汉语句子则是先叙事后表明态度、结论、结果,此处对其采取了后置翻译,以符合汉语的逻辑表达习惯。
4.There is relatively little data on the extent of microplastics in Antarctic waters,and researchers said they hoped this new study would lead to a greater understanding of the global extent of plastic and chemical pollutants.微塑料在南极水域分布范围的数据还相对较少。研究人员表示,他们希望这项新研究能够让人们更多地了解塑料和化学污染物在全球分布的范围。
分析 语言措辞类
本句句式清晰,理解起来并不难,但文中extent出现多次且一词多义,在翻译选词时值得注意。extent原意为“the point or degree to which something extends;the distance or area or volume over which something extends”,在本文第一段the extent of the plastic pollution crisis中,考虑到extent与crisis搭配以及上下文语境,extent一词译为“(危机的严重)程度”比较合情合理。而本例句中,extent则是与microplastics(微塑料)和pollutants(污染物)搭配,且根据句中Antarctic waters(南极水域)和global(全球的)这两个限定范围,译为“(分布)范围”则更符合上下文语义。
5.Plastic has now been found in all corners of our oceans….The samples were gathered during a three-month Greenpeace expedition….A decision…,will be taken at the forthcoming meeting…现在,海洋各个角落都已发现塑料……。这些样本是……采集的。……与会者将表决……。
分析 子结构类
本篇文章中出现了很多英语被动结构。众所周知,英语中被动语态的使用非常频繁,而汉语中主动性则非常强,因此对于此类被动结构,翻译时应充分考虑英汉两种语言的表达习惯,如通过汉语主动语态的语义逻辑来表达英语句子中的被动含义。本例句中的第一句Plastic has now been found in all corners of our oceans…,可将英语原句中的状语成分in all corners of our oceans译为汉语译句的逻辑主语;第二句则可将英语原句中的Greenpeace提取出来作为动词gather的施动者,其效果要比译为“这些样本被……采集”要好;而第三句则可根据英语原句中的meeting延伸出“与会者”这一含义来补足英语原句中省略的施动者。在不违背原句语义的基础上,无论是通过转译句子成分还是通过补足缺失主语将英语的被动结构译为汉语的主动语义,一般都会使汉语译句的表达更加顺畅自然。