Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 wor
Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 wor
Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 words of what you have heard. This part of the test carries 30 points. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 25 minutes to finish this part. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to write your summary satisfactorily.
On-line communication has both advantages and disadvantages. In its positive side, it can provide opportunities for people to establish lasting relationship just like traditional ways of communication; it can also provide for those physically less-abled, shy, or elderly people easy access to friendship that are otherwise difficult. In its negative side, it may be dishonest and even develop into harmful cyber affair. Some people go specifically on-line to seek sexual partners; others evade their troubles in their relationship with their partner, looking for comforting ears on the net and finally getting into love affair. When you find yourself or your partner is in such an love affair, you should confront it head on. You should talk with your partner about the problem and make commitment to take necessary changes. Some people even have tried counseling to recover such betrayal. In summary, on-line communication in itself is neither good nor bad.
Online communication has both advantages and disadvantages. Let’s first look at the positive side.
Online relationships can and do last. As the internet hasn’t been around long enough to prove that online relationships can stand the test of time, early indications are good. In one survey, 75 percent of relationships formed on the net went on to become face-to-face relationships with the same chance of success as any other.
Some people even argue that relationships established online are actually more likely to last because the couple know each other better before making a commitment. Usually, we meet someone and then decide if we want to get to know them better; online, it’s the other way around.
Online communication is wonderful for many people. It can provide easy access to friendship and support for the physically less-abled, the elderly, and those living in remote locations. And for people who struggle with shyness or low self-esteem, it gives the opportunity to build confidence and social skills in a non-threatening environment. But for others, this same accessibility has created problems. Now let’s consider some of them.
First of all, if you can’t see someone’s face, it’s hard to know if they’re lying. It’s easy to misrepresent yourself online, to kid someone that you’re something that you’re not. And if someone is desperate for love or friendship, they are more likely to fantasize that the person they’re talking to is the perfect partner.
Next, for those who feel lonely or isolated in their relationship, the web is somewhere they can find a comforting ear. Whatever are the reasons for being unhappy, the internet can become a tempting distraction from the heartache and trouble of tackling relationship problems. But meeting with others online often makes things worse. Many partners feel resentful of the amount of time spent online when they could be spending time together. And the more time you spend chatting, laughing, and sharing your problems with someone other than your partner, the further apart you’re likely to feel from them.
As you become more and more emotionally detached from your partner, your chances of embarking on a cyber affair increase. That is another problem, and maybe also the most negative aspect, of online communication.
Some people go online specifically to find sexual partners. But for many, cyber affairs start off as genuine attempts at friendship. Intimacy can develop so quickly online that many are shocked at how soon an online relationship becomes sexual.
Some will try to justify their behavior saying it’s not really an affair, but relationship experts agree that any intimate activity between two people that breaks the trust of a partner is. And that most certainly includes online relationships.
If you’re the person meeting others online, you need to realize that it isn’t going to solve your relationship problems. It may make life more comfortable in the short-term, but in the end you’re going to have to face the difficult decisions about your relationship’s future.
If, on the other hand, you suspect your partner of an online affair, you need to confront the problem head on. Talking about the problems you’re both having is the essential first step. Next you need to make a commitment to work together to achieve the changes you both need. Many people have used counseling -- either alone or with their partner -- to recover from online betrayal.
In short, on-line communication in itself is neither good nor bad. Its value depends on how you make use of it. And when problems do arise with on-line relationships please try to face them positively.
在写摘要的时候,要充分利用原文的一些“信息信号”(information post),这些信息信号通常是由一些关键词(如both)和句子、序数词、连接词等体现的。
如文章开头就说网络交友既有好的一面,也有不好的一面。我们就大致可以猜到下面会是就这两个方面分开来说的。当听到“But for others,this same accessibility has created problems”时,我们就会猜到论述要从好的一面转到不好的一面了。而原文的最后从“in short”开始的部分本身就是整个信息的一个简单的摘要。
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