
游客2025-01-24  7

问题    人人有饭吃,是人类最基本的生存权利,是一切人权的基础。全球农业发展取得了长足的进步,但饥饿和贫困依然是一种“无声的危机”,深深困扰全人类。目前世界上还有8亿多贫困人口面临着食物不足、营养不良的威胁。促进农业发展,消除饥饿和贫困,依然是世界面临的重大挑战,也是全人类肩负的共同责任。各国应当携起手来,加强农业合作,更多关注发展中国家,尤其是一些最不发达国家的诉求。应减少贸易保护,加强对最不发达国家农业技术、资金等支持,提高全球农业生产水平和粮食安全保障水平。


答案    Access to adequate food supply by all is a basic human right for survival and constitutes the very basis for all other human rights. In spite of the significant progress we have made in global agricultural development, hunger and poverty, as the   "silent crisis" , has continued to haunt the entire human world. More than 800 million poor people in the world still face the threat of food shortage and malnutrition. To promote agricultural development and eradicate hunger and poverty remains a major challenge for the world and a common responsibility of mankind. All countries should join hands to enhance agricultural cooperation and pay greater attention to the calls of developing countries, least developed countries (LDCs) in particular. Great efforts should be made to reduce trade protectionism and increase technical and financial assistance to the agricultural sector of the LDCs, so as to raise global agricultural productivity and enhance food security.
   As the largest developing country in the world, China will remain a positive force for ensuring world food security. In spite of the difficulties it faces in its agricultural development, China will continue to work tirelessly to deliver its commitment and to ensure adequate food supply for its people through its own efforts. We are ready to work with other countries to create a world of sustainable development which is free from hunger and poverty.

解析    第一段主要强调生存权利是人权的基础,而生存的关键就是温饱问题。