Since the world awoke, on Aug. 31, 1997, to the news that Princess Diana had

游客2025-01-24  2

问题     Since the world awoke, on Aug. 31, 1997, to the news that Princess Diana had died at 36, after a paparazzi-fueled car crash in Paris, there have been hundreds of films, documentaries, biographies and tell-all memoirs about the shy young woman who became a global celebrity after marrying the heir to the British throne.
    On Monday, a new ITV documentary about Diana arrives on HBO, with one significant difference. Called "Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy, " it is the first to feature Diana’s two sons with Prince Charles, William and Harry, speaking about their mother as they look through family photographs, reminisce about their childhood and revisit the scenes of her charitable activities. The documentary opens with William, 35, and Harry, 32, looking at a photograph of a pregnant Diana holding her very small first son. "Believe it or not, you and I are both in this picture, " William tells Harry. Then the camera cuts to Harry. "Arguably, probably a little bit too raw up until this point. It’s still raw, " he says.
    "It’s really a film about love and memory, which makes it unusual as a royal film, which are often more about respect, " the director Ashley Gething said. "It’s about sadness and joy and loss. On the one hand it’s very personal, but it’s also universal; you can relate to the things they remember and talk about."
    The producer Nicolas Kent said that there were no topics deemed off-limits, nor was editorial approval demanded by the palace. The film moves in and out of the interview with the princes as it loosely sketches Diana’s life. We see home movies of her as a child, the youngest daughter of the venerable aristocratic Spencer family, and photographs of a pretty, shy teenager, as friends from her early years recount their memories. "We wanted it to feel like a story from the inside, so deliberately didn’t interview some of the people you might expect, " Mr. Kent said.
    The most moving part of the documentary has the princes discussing their memories of their last phone call with their mother, speaking from Paris, where she would die in a midnight car chase, as her driver tried to escape a horde of photographers following the car. "It’s like an earthquake just run through the house and through your life and everything, " Prince William said about learning of her death.
    The final section of the film focuses on Diana’s charity work for the homeless, AIDS patients and land mine victims. lt also shows the princes’ sustained efforts to continue in her path, as they visit homeless shelters, comfort the bereaved and meet two Bosnian men who lost limbs in explosions, both of whom Diana visited a few weeks before she died, when they were teenagers.
    lt is uncanny, Mr. Gething said, to see how much like their mother they are when meeting people. "There is an informality, a personal touch, a sense of humor, " he said. "It would be difficult to imagine in a pre-Diana age."


答案     1997年8月31日,全世界得知了36岁的戴安娜王妃(Princess Diana)发生了一起由狗仔队引发的车祸而在巴黎香消玉殒的消息。自那时起,便有数以百计的电影、纪录片、传记和揭秘类回忆录讲述这位腼腆的年轻女性嫁给英国皇位继承人后成为全球名人的故事。
    周一,英国独立电视台(ITV)推出的关于戴安娜的新纪录片在美国家庭电影台(HBO)播出。这部名为《我们的母亲戴安娜:她的生平和影响》的影片与其他纪录片有着显著的不同,它是首部以戴安娜王妃与查尔斯王子(Prince Charles)的两个儿子威廉(William)和哈里(Harry)为主角的作品。影片记录了当他们翻阅家庭照片、回忆童年往事以及重温戴安娜参与慈善活动场所时对母亲的追忆。在影片开头,35岁的威廉和32岁的哈里看着一张照片,照片中已有身孕的戴安娜抱着当时还非常小的大儿子。“不管你信不信,我们俩都出现在照片中。”威廉告诉哈里。然后,镜头转向哈里。 “可以说,可能直到现在还是有些难受。”他说。 “这真的是一部关于爱与回忆的影片。在众多表达敬意主题的皇家电影中,它是与众不同的。”导演阿什利.格辛(Ashley Gething)说,“这关乎悲伤、喜悦和失落。一方面,它表达的内容非常私人,但它又是世人皆知的。你能够理解他们回忆以及谈论的内容。”
    制片人尼古拉斯.肯特(Nicolas Kent)表示,皇室并没有禁止谈论特定话题,也没有要求内容送审。在大致勾勒戴安娜一生的过程中,影片穿插了对两位王子的采访。在戴安娜早年朋友们讲述的回忆中,我们可以看到这位来自受人敬仰的斯宾塞家族的小女儿小时候的家庭录像,以及她出落成一位美丽、腼腆的少女时的照片。“我们希望由戴安娜最亲密的人来讲述她的故事,所以我们故意没有采访很多你以为可能会出现的人。”肯特先生说。

解析     1.第1段awake to为固定搭配,译为“意识到”“醒悟”。文中指的是全世界得知戴安娜王妃去世的消息,故此处awoke to译为“得知”更为合适。
    2.第1段较长,在翻译时可按照层次来拆分翻译,car crash in Paris之前的内容是对戴安娜王妃车祸事故的回顾,之后的内容是指出这件事情带来的后续影响。因此,这里的前后可拆分,并各自独立成句。
    4.第3段第一句opens with为动词短语open with的一般现在时形式,在翻译时可将其转换为名词形式,故The documentary opens with可译为“在影片开头”。
    5.第4段第三句relate to为固定搭配,意为“涉及”“理解”。此处指的是观众能够领会影片所传达的悲伤、喜悦和失落,故取第2个义项,译为“理解”更为合适。