To me, the most interesting and immediate question is not whether the United

游客2025-01-18  10

问题     To me, the most interesting and immediate question is not whether the United States will ratify the Kyoto Protocol, but whether other parties are prepared to work toward that goal. The next few months will determine whether other patties choose an agreement on their terms without the United States, or whether they prefer an agreement that may require some compromise of ideological positions, but will in fact be effective and will include the United States. //
    I believe the EU and others, for a number of reasons, will conclude that its interests and those of the environment lie in crafting an agreement that the United States can support. The United States accounts for approximately 25% of global industrial emissions. Any agreement that excludes the United States will not control global warming. In addition, European businesses may wonder why they are asked to assume significant new climate change obligations if U.S. competitors are not going to be subject to roughly the same rules. //
    I might note two additional factors relevant here: first, the idea of emissions trading is growing in popularity in capitals on the continent, and also in London and Brussels. Second, economists are warning that few countries, with the notable exception of the United Kingdom, are on track to meet their Kyoto commitments. I am hopeful that these forces will allow governments at COP-6 to mold the Protocol into a sensible, practical shape, one which the United States can support. //
    Let me say a word more about developing country’s participation because this is an area where the United States is frequently misunderstood. The undeniable fact is that climate change is a global problem that requires a global solution. To be sure, industrialization in the North contributed enormously to increased greenhouse gas concentrations. Developed countries, including the Untied States, must take significant steps immediately. //
    Acting alone, however, developed countries cannot stabilize global greenhouse gas concentrations. From a scientific standpoint, meaningful participation by key developing countries is a necessity. Several large developing countries will soon become the world’s leading emitters. Developing countries already produce 44% of global fossil fuel emissions. In addition, developing countries are responsible for a disproportionate share of deforestation and other land-use practices that have raised carbon concentrations. // Per capita energy intensity ratios in some, not all, developing countries continue to rise briskly, despite the existence of clean technologies that were not invented when developed countries were industrialized. In the immediate future, 80% of new electric power generation projects will occur in developing countries. All of us want those projects to use the latest cutting edge technologies. //
    I mention these facts not to bicker about past or future responsibility, for that detracts from our common cause of halting global warming, but to highlight the need for all countries to be a part of the solution. //
    In a very real sense, developing countries have the most to gain from an effective Protocol in which all the industrialized countries participate. For developing countries, unfortunately, have the least capacity to adapt to climate change. The longer we wait, the harder it will be to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations at acceptable levels and the harder these countries will be hit. //
    The 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change points the way: each nation should take national and international steps commensurate with its capacity to contribute to the global solution based on the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities". //
    Many developing countries have taken significant unilateral action already. China, for example, has sought to conserve energy and reduce emissions growth while simultaneously raising living standards dramatically. Without price reforms and energy efficiency gains, China’s emissions would be more than 50% higher than they are now. //
    We recognize, moreover, that some developing countries may lack the capacity to assume and implement legally binding emissions targets at this time. For these countries, other types of action would be appropriate at present. All developing countries should explore opportunities under the Clean Development Mechanism, adopt sound national policies on energy and land use, and pursue other climate-friendly measures under the Framework Convention. //
    The negotiating histories of both the Framework Convention and Kyoto Protocol demonstrate general agreement on the need to mitigate climate change while allowing for continued economic growth. The Untied States believes this formula remains the key to securing developing country action. Developing countries are finding in the Kyoto Protocol avenues to pursue their development and environmental goals simultaneously. There is a growing recognition of the potential of the Clean Development Mechanism to direct advanced technology and major capital flows to the developing world. //
    (Excerpts from "Under Secretary of State Loy on Kyoto Protocol" made by former Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs Frank E. Loy to American Bar Association Conference)


答案     对我来说,最关心和最迫切的问题不是美国能否批准《京都议定书》,而是其他参与国是否会朝这个目标努力。在接下来的几个月里,谈判各方将会决定是按照自己的条款制定没有美国参加的协议,还是选择在意识形态上做出一些让步,制定一份实际上更加有效、并有关国参加的协议。//
    不过,发达国家孤军奋战并不能抑制全球温室气体的增多。从科学角度来看,主要发展中国家的真正参与是必要的。几个最大的发展中国家很快就会成为世界上最大的排放国。发展中国家化石燃料排放量已经占到全球排放量的44%。不仅如此,发展中国家还要对过度砍伐森林和其他引起碳浓度增加的土地使用行为负有责任。//尽管现在已经拥有了发达国家在工业化时还没有发明的清洁技术,一些发展中国家的人均能源消耗强度仍在持续快速增长。不远的将来,80%的新建发电项目会出现在发展中国家。我们所有人都希望这些项目将采用最新的尖端技术。//     我提到这些事实并不是想争辩过去或将来的责任问题,因为那样做会偏离我们抑制全球变暖的共同事业,我只是在强调所有国家共同参与解决这一问题是十分必要的。//
