Passage 1 [br] [originaltext] Half a century ago, few people ever expected t

游客2025-01-12  5

问题 Passage 1 [br]  
Half a century ago, few people ever expected the world to have undergone such a big change. Long ago, Napoleon was said to have pointed to China on a map and said: "There lies a sleeping giant. When she wakes, she will shake the world. " Those prophetic words have proven to be true. Today, China is truly awake, and set to help shape the future of the entire world! Recent years have witnessed the spread of economic power and human prosperity from West to East.
    In the past, Canada’s economy was built largely on trans-Atlantic trade. But it is clear that in the 21st century, trans-Pacific trade will increasingly fuel our economic growth. As the centre of gravity of the world economy swings toward the Pacific, Pacific nations like Canada and China have much to gain by increased cooperation. Now is the time to enhance and expand our relationship and to build upon our mutual successes.
Good morning. I want to thank the Secretary General for organizing this summit, and all the leaders who are participating. That so many of us are here today is a recognition that the threat from climate change is serious, it is urgent, and it is growing. Our generation’s response to this challenge will be judged by history, for if we fail to meet it, we risk consigning future generations to an irreversible catastrophe. No nation, however large or small, wealthy or poor, can escape the impact of climate change.
    Rising sea levels threaten every coastline. More powerful storms and floods threaten every continent. More frequent droughts and crop failures breed hunger and conflict in places where hunger and conflict already thrive. Families are being forced to flee their homes as climate refugees. The security and stability of each nation and all peoples are in jeopardy. And the time we have to reverse this tide is running out. And yet, we can reverse it. John F. Kennedy once observed that "Our problems are man-made; therefore they may be solved by man. "


答案     早上好,我要感谢组织本峰会的秘书长和参加的所有的领导人。今天我们这么多人出席表明:气候变化的威胁是严重、紧迫的,并且不断加剧。我们这代人应对这一挑战将受到历史的检验,如果我们不能解决,就将冒风险,留给子孙后代不可逆转的灾难。国家不论大小、贫富,都无法摆脱气候变化的影响。
