[originaltext] Officer: Mrs. Harrison (H), thanks very much for coming down h
[originaltext] Officer: Mrs. Harrison (H), thanks very much for coming down h
Officer: Mrs. Harrison (H), thanks very much for coming down here to the station. I—I know you’ve been through a terrible situation here today. Urn...I’d just like to go over some of the things that you told Sergeant Clark at the bank.
H: All right.
O: Uh, would you like a cup of tea?
H: No. No, I’m fine.
O: All fight.
H: Thanks.
O: Well, urn ... could you describe the two people who robbed the bank for this report we’re filling out here? Now, anything at all that you can remember would be extremely helpful to us.
H: Well, uh ... just... I can only remember basically what I said before.
O: That’s all right.
H: The man was tall ... uh ... about six feet, and he had dark hair
O: Dark hair.
H: And he had a moustache.
O: Very good. All right, did he have any other distinguishing marks, I mean scars, for example, anything like that?
H: Scars ...urn... no. No, none that I can remember.
O: Do you remember how old he was, by any chance?
H: Uh ... well, I—I guess around thirty,...
O: Around thirty.
H: ... may be younger, plus or minus a few years.
O: Mm-hmm. All right, do you, uh, remember anything about what he might have been wearing?
H: Yes. Yes, he—he had on a dark sweater, a—a solid colour. You know, the kind of colour young people fancy nowadays.
O: Or. Urn ... anything else that strikes you at the moment?
H: I—I remember he was wearing a light shirt under the sweater. A cotton one with dark, I think, dark stripes. It looked like a good brand.
O: Ah, very good.
H: Yes, yes.
O: Mm—hmm. All right, now, can you tell us anything about the female robber, Mrs. Harrison?
H: Well, I remember that she did most of the talking. She had the gun pointed at us and she told us to lie down, and not to move if we knew what was good for us. I remember it just felt like she was pointing the gun right at me, and my little daughter was right next to me and she—she was just so frightened...
O: Uh, Mrs. Harrison, could you describe her for us?
H: Ugh. She was wearing a wool sweater...
O: Ah, very good.
H: I remember it was a dark color, navy blue or ... or dark grey
O: darkgrey, mm—hmm.
H: ... and I guess she was in her late twenties. Uh, her hair was short, very short and a bit curly. O; Do you remember how tall she was?
H: Uh ... about the same as myself, around five four.
O: Five four, mm—hmm. All right, do you, uh .... remember anything else about this woman?
H: Yes. I remember that the woman was wearing a pendant around her neck.
O: Uh—hmm.
H: I remember specifically because I was then near the counter, next to the bank manager, and my little daughter started to cry
O: Oh.
H: ... and this woman came up to me and was very rude to my daughter. So I had a good look at her and ... and she was sort of, uh, pulling on the chain, uh, playing with the pendant.
O: Oh?
H: It was gold, uh, well. anyway, it looked like gold, and it got a strange shape.
O: Mm—hmm. Did either of them have any other, uh, noticeable characteristics, Mrs. Harrison? Now, just take a moment
H: No, I don’t...
O: ... to think about this.
H: No. No, and this is really all I can remember.
O: Well, did either of them wear glasses?
H: No, No, I’m sure of that.
O: Mm hmm. All right, Mrs. Harrison, I really appreciate what you’ve been through today. I’m just going to ask you to look at some pohtographs before you leave, if you don’t mind. It won’t take very long. Can you do that for me?
H: Oh, all right.
O: Would you like to step this way with me, please?
H: Ok. Sure.
O: Thank you.
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