
游客2025-01-09  4

问题    拜完了天地,黑大汉洪喜就有些按捺不住了。虽然看不到新娘的脸,但新娘修长的双臂、纤细的腰肢,都显示出这个胶州北乡女子超出常人的美丽来。洪喜是高密东北乡著名的老光棍,40岁了,一脸大麻子,不久由老娘做主,用自己的亲妹子杨花,换来了这个叫燕燕的姑娘。杨花是高密东北乡数一数二的美女,为了麻子哥哥,嫁给了燕燕的哑巴哥哥。妹妹为自己作出了巨大的牺牲,洪喜心中十分感动。想起妹妹将为哑巴生儿育女,他心情复杂,竟对眼前这个女子生出一些仇恨。哑巴,你糟蹋我妹子,我也饶不了你妹子。


答案    After paying respects to Heaven and Earth, Hong Xi, a big, swarthy man could not hold his excitement. His bride’s veiled face was hidden from him, but her long, shapely arms and willowy waist revealed that she was more beautiful than most girls in Northern Jiaozhou Township. Forty years old, and badly podauarked, Hong Xi was one of No.beast Gaomi Township’s best-known bachelors. His aging mother had recently arranged for him to many Yanyan in exchange for his sister, Yanghua, one of Northeast Gaomi’s true beauties, who was to many Yanyan’s elder brother, a mute. Deeply touched by his sister’s sacrifice, Hong Xi’thought about her bearing children for the mute, and amid his confused emotions was born a hostility toward his new bride. Mute, ff you mess up my little sister, I’ll take it out on yours.
