What Is An American? "I can’t make you out, "Herry James h
What Is An American? "I can’t make you out, "Herry James h
What Is An American?
"I can’t make you out, "Herry James has Mrs. Tristram say to the Ameri-
can," whether you are very simple or very deep. "This is a 【1】_______ 【1】_____.
which has confronted Europeans.
What is it then that makes Americans 【2】______ wherever they go? 【2】_____.
We hope it is not the unpleasant impression made by some tourists.
Americans carry an appearance which is more a result of attitude than
of clothing. This attitude combines a lack of class 【3】______ , an optimism 【3】_____.
and an inquisitiveness. Also a liking for facts and figures, an 【4】_____ , 【4】_____.
and above all a desire to be friendly.
Americans are a 【5】_______ people. They work like mad then give a- 【5】_____.
way what they earn. They play until they are exhausted, and call this a 【6】 【6】_____.
.They like to think of themselves as average men.
They tell each other "Take it easy", while always rushing off like cra-
zy. They crowd their highways with cars while complaining about the traffic, 【7】_____.
【7】_____ to movies while 【8】_____ about the quality, go to church but 【8】_____.
don’t care much for 【9】___, and drink too much, only stimulated to 【9】_____.
bigger dreams.
There is, of course, no 【10】_____ American. But if you added them 【10】_____.
all together and then divided by its total number they would look like what
this chapter portrays. [br] 【2】
What is an American?
"I can’t make you out," Henry James has Mrs. Tris-tram say to the American," Whether you are very simple or very deep. "This is a dilemma which has often confronted Europeans. Usually they conclude that Americans are childish. But one cannot accurately call one society mature, another immature. Each has its own logic.
What is it then that makes Americans recognized wherever they go? It is not, we hope, the noisy, boasting, critical, money - scattering impression made by one class of tourists. The only thing to be said in their defense is that, released from the social restrains which would make them act very differently at home, they are bent on making most of this freedom.
Americans carry with them an appearance which is more a result of attitude than of clothing. This attitude combines a lack of class consciousness, a somewhat jaunty optimism and an inquistiveness which in combination look to the European like naive. Also a liking for facts and figures, an alertness, more muscular and ocular than intellectual, and above all a desire to be friendly.
To boil it down to the briefest summary, American characteristics are the product of response to an unusually competitive situation combined with unusual opportunities.
Americans are a peculiar people. They work like mad, then give away much of what they earn. They play until they are exhausted, and call this a vacation. They love to think of themselves as tough - minded business men, yet they are pushovers for any hard luck story. They have the biggest of nearly everything, but they like to think of themselves as little people, average men. and they would like to cut every- thing down to their own size.
When they meet, they are always telling each other, “Take it easy” then they rush off like crazy in opposite directions. They play games as if they were fighting a war and fight wars as if playing a game. They love children, animals, gadgets, mother, work, excitement, noise, nature, television shows, comedy, installment buying, fast motion, spectator sports, the underdog, the flag, Christmas, jazz, shapely women and muscular men, classical recordings, crowds, comics, cigarettes ,warm houses in winter and cool ones in summer, thick beefsteaks, coffee, ice-cream, informal dress, plenty of running water, do -it- yourself, and a working week trimmed to forty hours or less.
They crowd their highways with cars while complaining about the traffic ,flock to movies and television while gripping about the quality and the commercials, go to church but don’ t care much for sermons, and drink too much in the hope of relaxing- only to find themselves stimulated to even bigger dreams.
There is, of course, no typical American. But if you add- ed them all together and then divided by 226,000,000 they would look something like what this chapter has tried to portray.
1 OurheritageandourculturehavecausedmostAmericanstoassumenotonlyth
1 OurheritageandourculturehavecausedmostAmericanstoassumenotonlyth
1 OurheritageandourculturehavecausedmostAmericanstoassumenotonlyth
投标人为使报价具有竞争力,下列有关生产要素询价的做法中,正确的是( )。A.在
治疗肌阵挛性癫癎时,选用下列哪种药物最好()A.硝西泮 B.苯妥英钠
①以体现一个国家经济形势的危机状况 ②并不预示着一个国家马上就会改换门庭
不符合支原体肺炎的描述是A.可引起整个呼吸道感染 B.多有发热、头痛、咽痛及剧