Some people say that university students should concentrate on their own fiel
Some people say that university students should concentrate on their own fiel
Some people say that university students should concentrate on their own field of study, and that all the classes they
take should by closely related to that subject. Others believe that university students should get general education, taking
classes in many fields before concentrating on a single field. Which view do you support? Give reasons for your choice.
You are to write an essay of about 400 words, commenting and expressing your views on the topic.
In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
I think that getting a general education is very important, and I also think it is important to be specialized to degree order to be successful. First of all, people who are well rounded, tend to know about many subjects. This will help them understand not only where things stand right now, but also the reasons why they are the way they are. An example of this is as follows, in the Middle East there is a long history of violence and hatred, for mostly religious reasons. Without knowing the reasons behind all this turmoil, it is easy to conclude that everyone in this part of the world is nut. If you know about the history of their religious beliefs, you will have a better understanding as to why there is so much hatred and violence, even though you may not agree with it. If you only study one subject in University, chances are your knowledge will be limited, which will make it difficult for you to understand things in a proper context. On the other hand, if you know about many subjects, on top of your specialized knowledge, then you will be able to think about more possibilities when it comes to thinking about these problems. As you can see, a more informed decision is made, when you are aided by a greater knowledge base.
As important as it is to have a general education, one must also specialize. In fact, today many University students finish their degrees with no idea about what they are prepared for. This is because their knowledge is too general, and they have not focused enough upon any subject. What happened to a friend of mine is very common. He finished his degree, and then had to go to a Technical College in order to get a job. The truth of the matter is that one’s education must be both general and specialized, in order to function best in today’s real world.
So from what has been discussed, one can reach only this conclusion. In order to solve problems and prepare for life, it is only logical to balance oneself in the pursuit of general and specialized knowledge.
下列不属于运动员心脏结构功能特点的是( )A.运动性心脏肥大 B.运动性心动
对下面语段的信息的理解和分析不正确的一项是() 随着人工智能技术的日新月异,
头晕眼花,脘腹坠胀属于A.气虚证 B.气陷证 C.气不固证 D.气
有排卵型功血病人的临床特点是A.月经周期缩短或正常 B.月经周期紊乱 C.经
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