[originaltext] (J = Jenny; V = Victoria)J: I’m longing to hear about this to
[originaltext] (J = Jenny; V = Victoria)J: I’m longing to hear about this to
(J = Jenny; V = Victoria)
J: I’m longing to hear about this tour, Victoria. You must be terribly excited.
V: Oh, I am. I ... I’ve never been to America before, Jenny, so I’m really looking forward to it. I thought of going fly-drive.
J: Fly-drive?
V: Yes. You know, you ... you can arrange for a car to be waiting for you at the airport when you arrive. You book everything this end including the plane tickets.
J: Sounds simple enough. Are you going to, then?
V: Well, I’m bit worried about driving on the other side of the road and having to, so I decided it would be better to go on a more organized holiday.
J. What do you mean by "organized"?
V.. Well, everything is arranged by a tour operator, a more organized trip.
J. What do you mean by "organized"?
V.. Well, everything is arranged by a tour operator. You know, you are taken around and shown where to go and what to do. I would probably miss half the sight otherwise.
J: Mm, where are you going anyway?
V: Orlando. It’s in central Florida.
J: Sounds OK. Are you going on your own?
V: Yes, I don’t mind that. There will be other people on the tour. I’m sure to make friends. You know, I like meeting new people. Here, let me show you the brochure.
J: It looks pretty packed. Do you really have time to do all these things?
V: Oh, yes. It’s all planned. Let’s see. Day one, we arrive in Orlando. And after we’ve settled in our hotel, we have the afternoon free. ! guess we could have a look around and do what we like. Then, day two, we go to Disney World.
J: You mean Mickey Mouse and all that?
V: Yes, it’s a kind of gigantic funfair with all the Disney characters and there is also the Epcot Centre, uh, a sort of city of the future with all the latest developments. I’ve always wanted to go there, anything I saw on television. And then, day three, we go seaworld.
J: Whatever is that?
V: Well, there are aquatic displays and performing dolphins and even a whale.
J: Oh, that’s quite unusual. Let’s see what you do on day four. Oh, it seems to be free.
V: Yes, that’s right. And then on the next day we go to the Kennedy Space Centre. That should be interesting.
J: I wonder how much they let you see. That’s where NASA is, isn’t it?
V: Well, I shouldn’t think you’d be able to see the latest spacecr0ft, but you might be allowed to glimpse some Mission Control, and perhaps how they receive message from satellite. Anyway I bet you’ll know a lot more about space than you even know before.
J: Mm, I quite envy you going there. Somehow, I find it quite hard to believe that people will one day live out in space.
V: Oh, I don’t. I’ll give it a try if I have the chance. Now, what next? Oh, yes, day six. Circus World.
J: Circus World. That sounds fun. I love going to the circus.
V: So do I. It states here, Circus World, see, take parts, enjoy. I wonder what "take parts" involves?
J: You’ll soon find out.
V: And day seven, we come home. Just as well, I’ll be broke by then.
J: I suppose you’ve been saving up for ages for this holiday.
V: Well, I did think of putting in some extra hours at work, but the money wasn’t really worth it after tax, and it would have meant I didn’t get home until late. Dad offered to lend me some money but I know he really needs it himself. In the end, I went to see my bank manager. He was terribly nice, so here I am, all booked up and ready to go.
A、fly-drive holiday.
C、two-city holiday.
D、conducted tour.
本题的重点在于相关信息的辨别。Victoria开始谈到她想乘飞机去度假(fly-drive holiday),但后来打消了这个念头,而改用organized holiday的方式,organized holiday就是conducted holiday。
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