The most distinguished of living Englishmen, who, great as he is in many dire

游客2025-01-05  5

问题    The most distinguished of living Englishmen, who, great as he is in many directions, is perhaps inherently more a man of letters than anything else, has been overheard mournfully to declare that there were more booksellers, shops in his native town sixty years ago, when he was a boy in it, than are today to be found within its boundaries. And yet the place "all unabashed" now boasts its bookless self a city!
   Mr. Gladstone was, of course, referring to second-hand bookshops. Neither he nor any other sensible man puts himself out about new books. When a new book is published, read an old one, was the advice of a sound though surly critic. It is one of the boasts of letters to have glorified the term "second-hand", which other crafts have "soiled to all ignoble use". But why it has been able to do this is obvious. All the best books are necessarily second-hand. The writers of today need not grumble. If their books are worth anything, they, too, one day will be second-hand. If their books are not worth anything there are ancient trades still in full operation among us-the pastrycooks and the trunk-makers---who must have paper.


答案    在世的英国人中最有名望的一位,尽管他在许多方面都十分伟大,他的天赋也许更多地表现于他是一位文人,有人无意间听说,他很忧伤地宣告,六十年前他的故乡有不少书店,那时他是幼童,现在今不如昔了,方圆之内找不到几家书店。可是如今这地方竟“恬不知耻”地吹嘘不见书本的本埠是一座城市!

解析    1.The most distinguished of living Englishmen,who,great as he is in many directions, is perhaps inherently more a man of 1etters than anything else,has been overheard mournfully to declare that there were more booksellers,shops in his native town sixty years ago,when he was a boy in it,than are today to be found within
   its boundaries.
   这是一个长句。分析英语长句先找出句中主句的SV(O)结构,然后根据衔接手段建立修饰语之间的关系和指代关系。本句主句SV为The most distinguished of living Englishmen has been overheard。who的先行词为The most dstinguished of living Englishmen。that there were more booksellers,shops in his native town sixty years ago,when he was a boy in than are today to be found with its boundaries.为that引导的名词性从句。his和he指The most distinguished of living Englishmen。it和its指his native town。两个比较关系。More…than是结构衔接手段。
   2.puts himself out about new books.
   putout:困扰,使不安,使不便;激怒。比如:He is never put out by unexpected questions.(他从不被意外的问题所窘住。)be easily put out by trifles(常因小事感到不安)。译文;把心思放在新书上。
   3.It is one of the boasts of letters to have glorified the term "second-hand",which other crafts have "soiled to all ignoble use".
   which在本句中是个关键的关系代词,它的先行词是the term “second-hand”,在从句中作soiled的宾语。译文:滥美“二手货”乃是文人的一个吹嘘之词,而在其他行业它“滥用一气名声扫地”。
   4.A11 the best books are necessarily second-hand...if their books are worth anything,they,too,one day will be  second-hand.
   以上两句为Paradox(似非而可能是的隽语)。英语论说中爱用Paradox。Paradox似非而是,充满哲理,发人深省。比如;More haste,1ess speed.(欲速则不达)。译文要体现Paradox,一切上乘之作必然是“二手货”。……如果他们的书真有什么价值的话,有朝一日也会变成“二手货”。
   5.If their books are not worth anything  there are ancient trades still in full operation among us-the pastrycooks and the trunk-makers-who must have paper.