For one brief moment, after years of fear and loathing, America seemed ready
For one brief moment, after years of fear and loathing, America seemed ready
For one brief moment, after years of fear and loathing, America seemed ready to make peace with the SAT. When the University of California several years ago threatened to treat the test like a bad batch of cafeteria food and tell applicants not to buy it, the College Board junked the bewildering analogy questions (Warthogs are to pigs as politicians are to what?), created a writing section (including producing an essay), added tougher math questions and more reading analysis --and had everybody talking about the new-and improved SAT.
Then the first students to take SAT: The Sequel were seen stumbling out of the testing centers as if they had just run a marathon, and all the happy talks ended. With the three hours and 45 minutes stretching to five hours with breaks and instructions, it got worse. Nobody is sure how, but moisture in some SAT answer sheets caused pencil marks to bleed or fade, producing more than 5,000 tests with the wrong scores. Even after that was fixed, several universities reported a sharp drop in their applicants’ average scores, which many attributed to exhaustion, and more colleges told applicants they would no longer have to take the SAT.
All of which stoked interest in the ACT, the SAT’s less famous and less feared rival based in Iowa City, Iowa. The shorter test is now becoming a welcome alternative for many high schoolers who no longer see a need to endure the usual SAT trauma. "I think the ACT is a true player in the college-admissions game these days," says Robyn Lady, until recently a college counselor at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. Although most Jefferson students still take the SAT, the number of ACTs there has tripled in the last two years. It’s a shift that, if it continues, could change the balance of entrance test power, since the Fairfax County, Va. , magnet sends more kids to the fry League than almost any other U.S. school.
The SAT, with a maximum 2,400 points, and the ACT, with a maximum 36 points, are scored differently, but otherwise are no more different from each other than American football differs from the Canadian version. Students usually do equally well on each. The SAT’s new 25 minute essay is required, while the ACT’s essay is optional. The SAT is three hours and 45 minutes long. The comparable ACT is three hours and 25 minutes. The SAT has three sections: critical reading, math and writing. The ACT has math, science, reading and English sections, plus optional writing. The ACT with the writing test costs $ 43, more than the SAT’s $ 41.50, but the ACT is only $ 29 without the writing section.
Several high school guidance counselors say they assume the ACT, with 1.2 million test takers in the class of 2005 compared with 1.5 million for the SAT, will eventually catch up, in part because so many educators are advising their students to try both. Wendy Andreen, counselor at Memorial Senior High School in Houston--where the SAT has been supreme--says she tells students every year they should take both tests to be safe, and many are beginning to listen, with ACTs up 18 percent since 2002. Deb Shaver, director of admissions at Smith College, says counselors are steering students to the ACT "because there is less hysteria surrounding the ACTs, and students feel less stressed about taking the test."
The mistakes made in the scoring of the October 2005 SAT by Pearson Educational Measurement, the College Board’s subcontractor, have no; been forgotten, counselors say. The SAT suffered from damaging news stories as details of the errors came out bit by bit. In the end, 4,411 students had scores reported to colleges that were lower than they actually earned and had to be corrected; 17 percent of the corrections were for more than 40 points. College Board president Caston Caperton apologized, saying the mishap "brings humility, and humility makes us more aware, empathetic and respectful of others."
But many counselors, who often complain about the New York City-based nonprofit’s influence over their students’ futures, say they have their doubts. "I think the College Board sees this as a purely technical problem that they call solve through purely technical means," says Scott White, a counselor at Montclair (N. J.) High School. "I don’t think they appreciate the damage that was done to their already shaky credibility." [br] Many American educators now tend to ______.
A、be in favor of the ACT.
B、be slightly critical of the SAT.
C、sit on the fence in the dispute.
D、be strongly critical of the SAT.
态度题。由题干中的educators定位至第五段。首句指出so many educators are advising their students to try both,接着做一步说明:they should take both tests to be safe.可见这些人对SAT和ACT是不偏不倚的中立态度,故[C]为答案。
痿症形成的原因不包括A、感受温毒 B、跌仆瘀阻 C、饮食不节 D、风寒外袭
选举和罢免理事属于我国会员制证券交易所()的职权。A.理事会 B.会员大会
下列关于房地产经纪人员仪容与着装礼仪的表述中,错误的是( )。A:房地产经纪人
微观经济学与宏观经济学的主要不同包括()。A.解决的问题不同 B.基本假设不
高强度母线槽与紧密型母线槽相比,其缺点是()。A.防潮功能差 B.散热功能差
下列参与糖代谢的酶中,哪种酶催化的反应是可逆的A.糖原磷酸化酶 B.己糖激酶