我接触过不少老人,其中有的是我的好朋友,只要一见面,就会天南地北,无所不谈。从这些老人地谈话中,我感到他们常常为“闲得无聊”而发愁。 这些老人的空闲

游客2025-01-03  5

问题    我接触过不少老人,其中有的是我的好朋友,只要一见面,就会天南地北,无所不谈。从这些老人地谈话中,我感到他们常常为“闲得无聊”而发愁。


答案    I have made contact with many old people. Some of them have become my good friends. When we meet, we are able to ramble on (chat away) about everything on earth. Talking with these old people, I can always feel that they are often worried about their being idle.
   These old people have a terrible amount of idle time yet few opportunities to make contact with the outside world. They are often forgotten by their busy younger generation. At home, young people may talk enthusiastically and endlessly with their friends and colleagues, while leaving tile elders alone. Sometimes, old people will chip in (cut in) by saying a few words, only to be scolded impolitely. Young people don’t understand that the elders like a lively and exciting atmosphere in the home. They don’t understand the sadness old people feel towards the cold and indifferent attitude of the young.

解析 这篇译文简洁、朴素,题材也是大家都接触过的,应该能够想像那种场景来。原文第一句话是典型的中文,逗号一气打下去,单从书面上看,绝对是一句很长的话,但是参考译文处理得比较得当,将之分为三句话(其实是两个意群,译文头两句其实可以用and连接起来)。“天南地北,无所不谈”,翻译得也比较合适,有些同学可能会在这里卡壳,总想着把“天地”、“南北”都译出来,觉得这样才算完成了自己的工作,但是那样译势必会影响读者的理解,看不懂又怎么能算合格?“有时老人偶尔插上几句,就会受到很不礼貌的责备”,这句话的译文使用了一个很好的结构,即“only to”,意思就是本来好心做某事,结果却换来这样的结果,使得行文简洁而又流畅。一个好的句型、结构有时能起到画龙点睛的作用,同学们应该努力地通过篇章阅读来扩大这方面的储备。译文的用词也还不错,比如“ramble on”、“a terrible amount of idle time”、“cut in”等.都比较地道,富有表达力。但是这个译文中也有几处并不流畅的地方,比如“worried about their being idle”,我们前面曾提及现在分词作名词用常常表示行文不自然,此处就是一例。再如,“cut in by saying a few words”显得很生硬,直接用“cut in with a few words”就可以了。