
游客2025-01-02  6

问题    诚然,这是我们祖宗的伟业,也是对世界的贡献;可是我们为什么不去追问刚刚建国二百多年的美国,为什么会在物质丰富和科学发展上,跨越了我们的五千年?鲁迅先生深刻地剖析了中国国民的性格,才产生了“阿Q”这个人木三分的中国人心态的典型;但是直至今日,中国的“阿Q”还满街跑。官员中有,文化人中也有:好像中国的古老文明是一张“席梦思”,沉醉和倒卧其中或吟唱几句古老文明的曲牌,中国就能强大了起来似的。


答案    True, those achievements were our ancestors’ contributions to world development, but those accomplishments should be attributed to them, not us. Why don’t we talk about the United States, a country with a short history of about 200 years against our $,0007 That young country has left us far behind in material and scientific developments! Lu Xun, after making a deep analysis of the Chinese people’s character, has produced "Ah Q’, a graphic representation of their degraded collective mentality. To my dismay, today’s China is still full of Ah Qs, be they officials or intellectuals, who remain lying, intoxicated, on the bed of China’s ancient civilization. They think China will revive by merely chanting a few lines of old tunes.
