
游客2024-12-30  5

问题    对孩子的个性培养也是非常重要的,做父母的不要强迫孩子做不想做的事。现在的父母望子成龙,总是为孩子设计出一条光明大道,他们常根据自己的喜好规定孩子应该做什么,不该做什么,而这些规定常常并非孩子自己的煮愿,很多有特定才能的孩子在父母的设计下一无所成。我也曾想让儿子去当一个艺术家,比如我让他学画画,但儿子不喜欢,儿子喜欢数学,甚至到了痴迷程度,有时解出一道难题就欣喜若狂。我尊重儿子的选择,支持儿子上奥校,参加各种数学活动。儿子参加过不少数学竞赛,在北京及至全国的数学竞赛中都拿过名次。儿子与数学有缘,小学毕业后,考上了101中学实验数学班,中学毕业直接上了清华大学数学系,大学毕业后又去美国学习统计学。俗话说:“兴趣是最好的老师。”儿子的兴趣成就了他的事业。


答案    To foster the children’s personality is equally important. On no account should we parents force our children to do what they do not want to do. Parents of today, in their ardent desire to see their children amount to something, tend to impose what they believe is the right course on their children. They decide the does and don’ts for their children regardless of their feelings. Many gifted children end up getting nowhere simply because of parental manipulation. For a time I had wanted my son to become an artist, I had asked him to learn how to paint, but this was not to my son’s liking. He loved mathematics with a passion that bordered on religion, and he went into raptures whenever he solved a difficult problem. Respecting my son’s choice, I sent him to an Olympic mathematics school and took him to all sorts of activities related to mathematics.

解析     本文段运用了断句、倒装句、动名词转换等技巧。原文是一段关于如何培养孩子个性的论述文,作者用自己儿子作为论述例证,并无语言难点,翻译重点是合理安排句子结构,灵活处理长句转化为短句的情况,对中文习惯使用的动词表达可转化为名词,并选择合适的词语搭配。
   1.“培养”译为“foster”,表示发展并培养个性、艺术才能等。译文用不定式短语“To foster the…”做主语,把第一句的前半分句独立作一个句子,强调培养孩子个性的重要性。
   2.“做父母的不要……”:译文使用倒装句“On no account should we parents…”强调父母不应做某事。
   3.第二句是一个长句,着手翻译前先把句子划分为3个部分。“望子成龙”:成语或者有特定意义的俗语应该意译,译文处理为:in their ardent desire to see their children amount to something;“设计出一条光明大道”:tend to impose what they believe is the right course。
   4.应该做什么,不该做什么:中文是动词表达法,转译为英文可使用名词表达法:the does and don’ts。“并非孩子自己的意愿”处理为regardless of their feelings,在句子中做状语。
   5.一无所成:end up getting nowhere,父母的设计:避免直译为design,这里“设计”的意思是“掌控、操纵”,用manipulation。
   6.第三句话由好几个分句构成,结构零散,翻译时只需把握好信息点,逐一译出。翻译重点是一些中文词语的英文表达,“到了痴迷程度”可用border on religion表示,“欣喜若狂”译为went into raptures。
   7.最后一句用respect的现在分词做状语,“奥校”应将全称译出来:Olympic mathematics school。