[originaltext]Terry: Well what have we got this morning? The first thing I thin
[originaltext]Terry: Well what have we got this morning? The first thing I thin
Terry: Well what have we got this morning? The first thing I think is to complete the voice-over for
that cutlery commercial.
Joyee: No... I’m afraid you are mistaken. Instead of completing that ... erm ... We’ve got to come
up with a selling idea for those kitchens. Remember? The boss will be wanting to see us
after lunch...and he’ll be expecting it all to be more or less tied up... parcel-like.
Terry: Wouldn’t it be better to finish one job before beginning another? The boss will understand
Joyee: Forgive me Terry if I keep correcting you...but remember there are deadlines. And when
there’s a deadline the boss is as immovable as a barnacle.
Terry: So we’ll have to come up with the parcel. Any ideas?
Joyee: Absolutely none. And my usually grasshopper brain is not at its come-up-with-the-ideas best
this morning. Let’s have a look at the details.
Terry: Well... whatever its like we’ve got to make it a dream. Gleaming perfection.., slick...
everything fitted is a key word, isn’t it-Everything to avoid the impression of the inevitable
mess that kitchens actually get in.
Joyce: How clear it is, Mr. Hancock, that you are new to the adman’s business. I’m afraid you
are on the wrong track. There you are making decisions already... Gatsbying about the
office.., thinking already that the key works to this ad are going to be... what... "timeless,
sophisticated beauty"... "the haute couture of haute cuisine".., and you’ve forgotten the
adman’s first rule.
Terry: Which is?
Joyce: Hard desk-work, getting to know the facts. You’ve got to knead the dough before you can ice
the cake. Mm... Now draw up a pew, will you? And we’ll look at the ingredients.
Terry: What makes this kitchen different from any other?
Joyee: Now that’s a leading question. Mm... Here are some photos. What do you notice?
Terry: They’re all different.., the photos I mean. In fact it’s different from all the other kitchens on
the market that they’re all fixed aren’t they? And this is all ... well ... non-fixed.
Joyee: All the various units can be moved about. Now that’s sensible. Because there are times...
Terry: ... there are times aren’t there when for example you need the chopping-board near the
sink.., and other times when you need it near the cooker.., and...
Joyee: So you do know something about kitchens.
Terry: Not kitchens exactly. But... cooking ... yes ... I do some cooking occasionally.
Joyce: Good for you. The nearest I get to it is jig-sawing tins open and tossing the odd frozen
meal into the oven. Perhaps that’s what most women now want a kitchen for.., simple...
function.., made to accommodate the haute cuisine of the deep-freezer.
Terry: No... I’m sure you are wrong. Most practical women of the house want a kitchen to be... er...
flexible.., er... like kitchen used to be.
Joyee: Well, there’s one flexible thing at least about this kitchen. What shall we call it? Mobility of
units? Anyway the idea’s there. So there is one thing different about this kitchen.
Terry: Sorry to... er...to correct you Joyce-but there’s something else you haven’t noticed.
Joyee: Oh, yes?
Terry: You say there’s one difference, but in fact there are two. You see most manufacturers of
kitchen units produce all the units of the same height.
Joyee: Lot’s of working surfaces...yes...but...
Terry: But only one height. It makes production cheaper.
Joyee: Well, surely that’s fine. I mean ... there is an ideal working height.
Terry: I beg to differ. You’re quite wrong you know. Now what are some of the things you need to
do in the kitchen?
Joyee: Unwrap sliced bread ... defreeze the stuff from the freezer ... open tins ...
Terry: Have you ever, for example, tried ... er ... er ... frosting cake mixture at the same working
height as... well ... as slicing bread? You see you need those different heights. Otherwise
sometimes you’re up on your toes.., sometimes down on your knees.
Joyee: So it doesn’t look as if we want a nude-in-an-apron-at-an-eye-level-grill sort of picture.
Something practical this time. Something with the idea of... let’s think of some words...
Terry: Mm... Multi-height... multi-mobile...
Joyee: Yes... And a whole series of tiny pictures showing the multi-purpose character of...
Terry: And the old-type kitchen was multi-purpose...
A、Employer and employee.
B、Salesman and customer.
C、Advertiser and customer.
对于( )建筑工程,可以由两个以上的承包单位联合共同承包。A.大型 B.大中
以下为证券公司申请保荐机构资格,应当具备条件的有( )。 Ⅰ.注册资本不低
M18420673712W0594A.2 B.3 C.5 D.6
下列妊娠期龈炎的病因不正确的是A.体内黄体酮的水平提高 B.牙龈是女性激素的靶
组织工作必须遵循的基本原则主要有( )原则。A.目标统一 B.有效跨度 C
在钻孔灌注桩施工中,属于干作业成孔的方法有()。A.长螺旋钻孔 B.回转
根据《建筑基坑支护技术规程》,基坑支护结构安全等级分为()级。A.1 B